This is the first release of the programme. Minor changes are still possible. 

The conference will be entirely hosted on Zoom and broadcasted live on YouTube. 

All times are in Central European Time (CEST), which is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

In the programme, discussions and invited speakers are indicated in bold.

Monday, 23 September: Technical Insight into GPT/LLM/Generative AI technology
Chair: Gitta Kutyniok
14:00 Welcome  
14:10 Barbara Plank Remember to look up at the stars: Recent advances and Challenges in Natural Language
14:45 Michael Smith A Universe To Be Decided
15:05  Sahakyan Narek  Introducing astroLLM: A Specialized Language Model for Extragalactic Astrophysics Research
15:25 Break 
15:50 Stephan Krusche  Artemis: Interactive Learning with Generative AI
16:25 Solai Jeyakumar AstroAssistant: How good are the AI tools to assist in writing codes for research in astronomy?
16:45 Discussion
17:30 End of the day
Tuesday, 24 September: GPT/LLM techs in astronomy
Chair: Giacomo Beccari
14:00 Maggie Lieu AI in Astronomy 
14:35 Marcos López-Caniego and Miguel Doctor Using RAG+LLMs to infer astronomical object types from scientific publications within ESASky
14:55 Nolan Koblischke Gravity Bench: A Benchmark for an AI Astronomer
15:15 Paula Sanchez Saez Experiments with chatGPT for user support at ESO
15:35 Break 
16:00 Christopher Stubbs and Merlin Fisher-Levine Chatting with a telescope- incorporating Generative AI into Rubin Observatory commissioning
16:20 Yuan-Sen TING AstroMLab : Who Wins Astronomy Jeopardy!?
16:55 Discussion
17:50 End of the day
Wednesday, 25 September: Cognitive Psychology; Impact of (AI-)technologies on cognition
Chair: Sandra Grinschgl
14:00   Patrick P. Weis Thinking outside the box: Why and when do problem solvers use their environments to help them think?
14:35 Sun Zechang
Large Language-Based Agents for Scientific Analysis
14:55 Aishwarya Girdhar
Recreating the Early Universe: Leveraging ChatGPT and Augmented Reality in Astrophysics Education
15:15 Ali-Dib Mohamad Physics simulation capabilities of LLMs
15:35 Break 
16:00 Ella Glikson AI-mediated communication and its possible implications for interpersonal relationships
16:35 Discussion
17:30 End of the day
Thursday, 26 September: GPT/LLM used in evaluation/funding/hiring processes
Chair: Sean Sapcariu
14:00 Tereza Jerabkova STAR@ESO: Scientific Text Analysis with Robots applied to observatory proposals 
14:35 James Morris The opportunities and impacts of AI in research assessment processes
15:10 Vicente Amado Olivo
Globalizing Peer Review through AI-Driven Researcher
15:30 Break 
15:45 Zen Faulkes Artificial intelligence in research assessment
16:20 Discussion
17:30 End of the day
Friday, 27 September: GPT/LLM and astronomical journals: policies, ethics
Chair: Henri Boffin
14:30 May Chiao Nature Portfolio's view of chatbots in scientific publishing
15:05 Claudio Urbina Applying Large Language Models to track ESO data use in the literature
15:25 Simone Astarita Delving into the Realm of ChatGPT: Is the Language of Astronomy Changing?
15:45 Miguel Aragon Science 2.0 with Artificial Intelligence.
16:05 Break 
16:40 Christoph Lütge Ethical Aspects of Generative AI
17:15 Discussion
18:00 End of the workshop