Programme-The Santiago AGN Workshop: a holistic view of active galaxies.

Talks will be 13 minutes long, plus 2 minutes for questions.


Day 1, November 20

Day 2, November 21

Day 3, November 22


Chair Paulina Lira

Chair Elena Shablovinskaya

Chair Ezequiel Treister

09:30 - 10:30    Registration & Introduction     
10:30- 11:00 H. Messias: mm-VLBI observations: the contribution of ALMA+EHT/GMVA to AGN science C. Ricci, invited review E. Sani: What ESO can do for your AGN research. A holistic view of Paranal Instrumentation.
11:00- 11:15 C. Mazzucchelli: An ALMA view of the host galaxies of Radio-Loud Quasars at z>5 S.A. Bernal-Galarza: A turning-on AGN candidate  K. Tristram: Infrared interferometry of nearby AGN: disks and polar outflows on parsec scales
11:15 - 11:30 F. Peñaloza-Garrido: An Unbiased Deep ALMA ACA Search for Molecular Outflows in Local (U)LIRGs A. Jana: Coronal Properties of Low-Accreting AGNs N. Drewes: I Zw 1 and H0557-385: The Dusty Tori of Two High Eddington AGNs Imaged in the MATISSE LM-Bands
11:30 - 11:45 E. Bertola: The molecular view of AGN feedback at cosmic noon: do AGN gas-deplete their hosts? G. Dimopoulos: Exploring the circumnuclear material of SMBH using realistic X-ray spectral models R. Assef: Polarimetric Observations of Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies with Blue Excess Emission
11:45 - 12:00    E. Treister: A Multiwavelength Study of Dual AGN in the Nearby Universe Y. Diaz: Constraining the X-ray reflection in low accretion rate AGN using XMM-Newton, NuSTAR and Swift C. Riesco Bravo: Dissecting the Nuclear Region in the LIRG Major Merger IIZW96 using MUSE NFM
12:00 - 12:30

Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 

12:30 - 12:45 M. Droguett-Callejas: Supermassive Black Hole Pairs at separations <1 kpc and their role in black hole growth K. Kallová: Super-Eddington accretion in the nearby Universe C. Finlez: Inferring AGN luminosity variations over timescales of 10^4 yr using extended emission line regions
12:45 - 13:00 

M.J. Troncoso-Balbiano: Studying Late-Stage Mergers: Physical differences between them and Star Forming Galaxies

P. Lira: A Recently Activated Binary Super Massive Black Hole Candidate found in the ZTF Alert Stream J. Crossett: The connection between ram pressure stripping and active galactic nuclei
13:00 - 13:30




13:30 - 15:00





Chair Marco Berton

Chair Roberto Assef

Chairs: Eleonora Sani, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Konrad Tristram, Walter Max-Moerbeck

15:00 - 15:30

E. Järvelä: Active galactic nuclei in radio

P. Arevalo, invited review Summary of topics
15:30 - 15:45 L. Crepaldi: Investigating optical variability in NLS1 galaxies with extreme radio features M. Temple: AGN demographics at cosmic noon: current samples and future prospects Group discussions:
15:45 - 16:00

W. Max-Moerbeck: High Energy Emission Mechanisms in Blazars through Multiwavelength Variability

M. L. Martinez-Aldama: Application of the Radius-Luminosity Relation in Cosmology

- Main challenges in AGN

studies today?

- What is needed to solve

these issues?

- Future facilities to look

forward to?

- What to prepare now?

- How to best utilize small

telescopes for AGN study?

- How do we strengthen

collaborations among local

AGN researchers

16:00 - 16:15 B. Rajput: The optical-GeV connection in Fermi blazars L. R. Martinez-Ramirez: Census of Accreting SMBH at z > 4 across the Southern Hemisphere
16:15 - 16:30 D. Mukhi-Nilo: Redshifts program for CTA candidate TeV blazars P. Patel: Probing the rest-frame wavelength dependence of Quasars variability: Insights from Zwicky Transient
16:30 - 17:00

Coffee Break

Coffee Break 

17:00 - 17:15 A. Jimenez-Gallardo: Powerful radio sources in the southern hemisphere: the G4Jy-3CRE catalog I. Del Moral-Castro: Investigating the nuclear activity in the least dense regions of the nearby Universe
17:15 - 17:30 A. Rojas-Lilayu: The relation between ionised outflows and molecular gas content in nearby X-ray AGN T. Mkrtchyan: Selection of High Redshift Quasars using SED fitting for 4MOST ChANGES
17:30 - 17:45  E. Shablovinskaya: The first joint ALMA/X-ray monitoring of an RQ AGN: understanding the compact mm emission origin M.A. Parra-Tello: The morphologies of local hard X-ray selected AGN hosts
17:45 - 18:00


S. Satheesh Sheeba: Variability constrained photometric redshifts for AGN
