
Chemical evolution models of the thick and thin discs: from lithium to europium
In this talk, I will present detailed chemical evolution models of the Milky Way thick and thin discs in the light of the most recent data from Galactic surveys and missions. Currently, we are in a golden era for this field of research thanks to the advent of large spectroscopic Galactic surveys and projects, such as Gaia-ESO, APOGEE, GALAH, LAMOST, AMBRE, which are enhanced by the advent of ESA Gaia mission. In this way, detailed stellar abundances of stars Milky Way can be obtained. Moreover, asteroseismic missions such as Kepler, TESS and K2, can allow us to obtain also precise stellar ages for stars in the Milky Way. Then, by means of detailed Galactic chemical evolution models, it is possible to predict the chemical abundances expected in the stars of each Galactic component: halo, thick disc, thin disc and bulge. In particular, I will focus on the chemical bimodality between the Galactic thick and thin discs. I will start by discussing the dichotomy in the [alpha/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] diagram where we can clearly see two distinct sequences corresponding to the thick and thin discs, and then I will discuss the bimodality in other abundance patterns, from lithium up to europium.