
Modelling of Resolved Scaling Relations in Simulated Galaxies
Scaling relations are observable trends in the global properties of galaxies that can help us understand their formation and evolution processes. The Star Formation Main Sequence, SFMS (i.e., the ratio of star formation rate to stellar mass) and the Mass-Metallicity Relation, MZR (i.e., the ratio of gas-phase metallicity to stellar mass) are two examples of them. Both relations have also been observed in local regions of galaxies, giving rise to the spatially resolved scaling relations (i.e., rSFMS and rMZR), but the origin and link between these relations and the global ones is still unknown. Hydrodynamic simulations are a powerful tool for studying astrophysical phenomena that are difficult to observe directly, but care must be taken when comparing their results with observations. In order to improve the comparison between observational and simulated data, we developed a new numerical tool that produces synthetic spectra considering the contribution of stellar populations and nebular emission. This tool allowed us to recover the relations rSFMS and rMZR of simulated galaxies by using an observational approach and helped us to directly explore some parameters of the interstellar medium (such as the ionization parameter and metallicity indicators) that often affect observational calculations of these relations. Therefore, our new tool would improve the comparison between observed and simulated data and could be used to shed light on the origin of these scaling relations.