
Unravelling the detailed age and abundance structure of the 4MIDABLE Milky Way
The 4MOST Milky Way Disk and Bulge High-Resolution (4MIDABLE-HR) survey will be the largest optical high-resolution survey, in terms of number of targets, photometric depth, and survey area, and provide the most complete nucleosynthetic maps of stars in the Galactic disk and bulge. Mapping regions in chemo-dynamical parameter space of the Milky Way not accessible to other astronomical facilities, the 4MIDABLE-HR survey improves on the previous comparable observed samples by up to three orders of magnitude in size (compared to GALAH, APOGEE, and Gaia-ESO).
I will present 4MIDABLE-HR, its main science drivers, and how it allow us to probe and constrain the assembly, evolution and chemical enrichment history of our Milky Way galaxy and its stellar populations.