Last update took place on: 22.06.2020
Surname | Frist Name | Institution |
Abril-Cabezas | Irene | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Addison | Graeme | Johns Hopkins University |
Akrami | Yashar | École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris |
Alis | Sinan | Istanbul University, Dept. of Astronomy and Space Sciences |
Altieri | Bruno | European Space Agency |
Amenouche | Melissa | CNRS/IN2P3/LPC |
Amiri | Amirnezam | University of Florence |
Anderson | Richard | ESO |
Andreani | Paola | ESO |
Anguita | Timo | Universidad Andres Bello |
Arendse | Nikki | DARK, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Ascasibar | Yago | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) |
Aspeita | Miguel | Zacatecas Autonomous University |
Avramova-Boncheva | Antoaneta | Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Baggett | Sylvia | STScI |
Baghram | Shant | Physics Department - Sharif University of Technology |
Bahrami Zanjani | Maryam | Kharazmi University of Tehran |
Banihashemi | Abdolaki | Shahid Beheshti University |
Barreira | Alexandre | Max Planck Astrophysics |
Barron | James | Queen's University |
Bartosch Caminha | Gabriel | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute / University of Groningen |
Beaton | Rachael | Princeton University |
Bellomo | Nicola | Institute of Cosmos Sciences - University of Barcelona |
Beltran Jimenez | Jose | Universidad de Salamanca |
Bennett | Chuck | Johns Hopkins University |
Berger | Jean-Philippe | Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble |
Bernal | Jose Luis | Johns Hopkins University |
Bersier | David | Liverpool John Moores University |
Bettoni | Dario | Universidad de Salamanca |
Bhardwaj | Anupam | Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, China |
Bianchi | Davide | ICC - Universitat de Barcelona |
Billi | Matteo | Università di Bologna |
Birrer | Simon | Standford University |
Blanchard | Alain | IRAP |
Blot | Linda | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
Boddy | Kimberly | Johns Hopkins University |
Boffin | Henri | ESO |
Bonvin | Vivien | Freelance |
Bouchet | François | Instititut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS & Sorbonne Université |
Boylan-Kolchin | Mike | The University of Texas at Austin |
Brax | Philippe | Institut de Physique Theorique Paris-Saclay University |
Bregar | Michael | California Institute of Technology |
Breuval | Louise | Observatoire de Paris, LESIA |
Briday | Martin | IP2I/CNRS/IN2P3 |
Bridges | Terry | Okanagan College |
Brieden | Samuel | ICC, University of Barcelona |
Brown | Peter | Texas A&M University |
Bulla | Mattia | Nordita |
Calamida | Annalisa | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Calcina | Esly | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería |
Calderón | Rodrigo | Univ. Of Montpellier |
Camphuis | Etienne | IAP |
Capasso | Raffaella | Stockholm University |
Cartier | Regis | CTIO |
Casas | Santiago | CosmoStat, CEA, Paris-Saclay |
Casertano | Stefano | Space Telescope Science Institute |
Castrillo | Asier | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Chakraborty | Dibya | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Chang | Po-Wen | The Ohio State University |
Chavez | Ricardo | IRyA, UNAM |
Chen | Chih-Fan | University of California, Davis |
Chown | Abi | University of Bath |
Christensen | Lars | NSF's NOIRLab |
Cohen-Tanugi | Johann | LUPM, Université de Montpellier and CNRS |
Colless | Matthew | Australian National University |
Cooray | Asantha | UC Irvine |
Coughlin | Michael | University of Minnesota |
Courbin | Frederic | EPFL |
Crabtree | Dennis | NRC Herzberg |
Creque-Sarbinowski | Cyril | Johns Hopkins University |
Cruz Reyes | Mauricio | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM |
Cuesta | Antonio | Universidad de Cordoba |
Dahle | Håkon | University of Oslo |
Dai | Mi | Rutgers University |
Davis | Tamara | The University of Queensland |
De Grijs | Richard | Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia |
de Jaeger | Thomas | UC Berkeley |
de la Macorra | Axel | UNAM-Mexico |
de Rham | Claudia | Imperial College London |
Deckers | Maxime | Trinity College Dublin |
Del Val | Anabel | Ecole Polytechnique |
Delabrouille | Jacques | CNRS laboratoire APC & CEA/IRFU |
Delgado-Correal | Camilo | Universidad Distrital FJC |
Della Valle | Massimo | Capodimonte Observatory, INAF-Naples |
Dennefeld | Michel | IAP - Paris |
Dhawan | Suhail | Stockholm University |
Dixon | Mitchell | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dominguez | Imma | Universidad of Granada |
Dominguez | Mariano | IATE-OAC-UNC and CONICET |
Duarte | Tharcisyo | Universidad Federal do Cariri |
Duque | Raphaël | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris |
Durbin | Meredith | University of Washington |
Eby | Joshua | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Elowitz | Mark | SETI Insitute Affiliate |
Ertl | Sebastian | Max-Planck-Insitut für Astrophysik |
Escamilla-Rivera | Celia | Nuclear Sciences Institute ICN-UNAM |
Eyer | Laurent | University of Geneva |
Farsian | Farida | SISSA |
Fernandes | Carlos | Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto |
Fernandez-Arenas | David | Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University (KIAA-PKU) |
Ferreira | Elisa | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
Figueruelo | David | University of Salamanca |
Finelli | Fabio | INAF OAS Bologna |
Fiorentino | Giuliana | INAF-OAR |
Fiziev | Plamen | Sofia University Foundation for Theoretical and Computational Physics and Astrophysics |
Flauger | Raphael | UC San Diego |
Flörs | Andreas | Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics |
Fragkoudi | Francesca | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
Franco Abellán | Guillermo | University of Montpellier |
Freedman | Wendy | University of Chicago |
Frohmaier | Chris | Institute of Cosmology and Graviation |
Galan | Aymeric | EPFL |
Galbany | Lluís | Universidad de Granada |
Gallego | Jesus | Universidad Complutense Madrid |
Galli | Silvia | IAP |
Garaldi | Enrico | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik |
Georgieva | Alexandra | N/A |
Gieren | Wolfgang | Universidad de Concepcion |
Gilmozzi | Roberto | ESO |
González Morán | Ana Luisa | Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica |
Gonzalez Villalba | Justo Antonio | ESO |
Gonzalez-Gaitan | Santiago | Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon |
Grandón | Daniela | Universidad de Chile |
Graziani | Romain | CNRS |
Grieger | Björn | ESAC |
Grillo | Claudio | University of Milan |
Gruppuso | Alessandro | INAF - OAS |
Guglielmetti | Fabrizia | ESO |
Hall | Alex | University of Edinburgh |
Hamuy | Mario | Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy |
Hatch | Nina | University of Nottingham |
Hernandez Santisteban | Juan | University of St Andrews |
Hildebrandt | Hendrik | Ruhr-University Bochum |
Hillebrandt | Wolfgang | Max-Planck-Institue for Astrophysics |
Hooper | Deanna C. | ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Hosseininejad | Nikoo | Shahid Beheshti University |
Howarth | Ian | University College London |
Hoyt | Taylor | University of Chicago |
Huang | Caroline | Johns Hopkins University |
Hussain | Gaitee | ESO |
Huterer | Dragan | University of Michigan |
Inno | Laura | Parthenope University Naples |
Izzo | Luca | DARK/NBI |
Jacoby | George | NOIRLab |
Jaquez | Jesus | Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica UNAM |
Javanmardi | Behnam | Paris Observatory & CNRS |
Jha | Saurabh | Rutgers University |
Ji | Lingyuan | Johns Hopkins University |
Jones | David | UC Santa Cruz |
Joseph | Albin | IISER Bhopal |
Jurkovic | Monika | Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade |
Kakkad | Darshan | ESO-Chile |
Kelsey | Lisa | University of Southampton |
Kenworthy | D'Arcy | Johns Hopkins University |
Kervella | Pierre | Paris Observatory |
Khetan | Nandita | Gran Sasso Science Institute |
Khomeini-Moghaddam | Salomeh | Kharazmi University |
Khoram | Amirhossein | IPM - Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences |
Khoraminezhad | Hasti | SISSA |
Khosravi | Nima | Shahid Beheshti University |
Khosravi | Sharam | Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran |
Kim | Young-Lo | CNRS/IN2P3/IP2I Lyon |
Knacke | Roger | Penn State Erle |
Knox | Lloyd | UC Davis |
Koushiappas | Savvas | Brown University |
Krause | Elisabeth | University of Arizona |
Lacour | Sylvestre | LESIA |
Lahav | Ofer | University College London |
Langin | Guillaume | Ciel & Espace |
Lee | Abigail | University of Chicago |
Leibundgut | Bruno | ESO |
Lemos | Pablo | University College London |
Lesgourgues | Julien | TTK, RWTH Aachen University |
Lindegren | Lennart | Lund Observatory, Lund University, Sweden |
Lindgren | Harri | Astronomer, retired |
Liseau | René | Chalmers University of Technology |
Liske | Joe | Hamburg Observatory |
Lonappan | Anto | SISSA |
Loureiro | Arthur | University College London |
Lourenço | Tiago | FCUP |
Lucca | Matteo | ULB |
Lucie-Smith | Luisa | University College London |
Lundgren | Andreas | ESO |
Lyubenova | Mariya | ESO |
Madore | Barry | Carnegie Observatories |
Madruga | Janaina | Universidad de Atacama |
Mainieri | Vincenzo | ESO |
Maloir | Didier | None |
Mancino | Sara | ESO |
Martínez-Vázquez | Clara | Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory |
Martins | Carlos | CAUP |
Masson | Andre | UTAN |
Mastrogiovanni | Simone | AstroParticule et Cosmologie Laboratoire |
McDonough | Evan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Meneghetti | Massimo | INAF - OAS |
Mérand | Antoine | ESO |
Meylan | Georges | Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne EPFL |
Migkas | Konstantinos | University of Bonn, AIfA |
Millon | Martin | EPFL |
Mörtsell | Edvard | Department of Physics, Stockholm |
Motta | Veronica | Universidad de Valparaiso |
Mould | Jeremy | Swinburne University |
Mukherjee | Sampath | University of Liege |
Müller | Tomás | University of Southampton |
Murgia | Riccardo | CNRS, LUPM, Montpellier University |
Musella | Ilaria | INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte |
Nakanishi | Kouichiro | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
Neeser | Mark | ESO |
Nicolas | Nora | IP2I IN2P3 CNRS |
Nordin | Jakob | Humboldt University |
Olivares | Felipe | Instituto de Astronomía y Ciencias Planetarias, Universidad de Atacama |
Pacaud | Florian | University of Bonn |
Paic | Eric | EPFL |
Paoletti | Daniela | INAF - OAS Bologna |
Palanque-Delabrouille | Nathalie | CEA-Saclay |
Pasquini | Luca | ESO |
Peiris | Hiranya | UCL/Stockholm |
Pesce | Dominic | Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian |
Petac | Mihael | LUPM |
Petrushevksa | Tanja | University of Nova Gorica |
Pettorino | Valeria | CEA Paris-Saclay |
Pezzuto | Stefano | INAF - IAPS |
Pietrzynski | Grzegorz | Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center |
Pilecki | Bogumił | Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN |
Pogosian | Levon | Simon Fraser University |
Poulin | Vivian | LUPM, CNRS / U. de Montpellier |
Prabhakar | Garima | Mass Academy of Math and Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Prada | Francisco | IAA-CSIC |
Raccanelli | Alvise | CERN |
Rani | Raffaele | Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, UK |
Reiprich | Thomas | Argelander Institute for Astronomy, University of Bonn |
Rejkuba | Marina | ESO |
Riazuelo | Alain | Institut d'astrophysique de Paris |
Riess | Adam | JHU/STScI |
Rigault | Mickael | CNRS/IN2P3 |
Rodriguez | Osmar | Tel Aviv University |
Romaniello | Martino | ESO |
Rosa | Manuel | CAUP |
Rosati | Piero | University of Ferrara |
Rosnet | Philippe | LPC, Université Clermont Auvergne - CNRS/IN2P3 |
Rousseaux | Germain | CNRS |
Saadat Moghaddam | Nazanin | Shahid Beheshti University |
Sanchez | Norma G. | CNRS LERMA Observatoire de Paris Sorbonne |
Sarcevic | Nikolina | University of Freiburg |
Savini | Giorgio | UCL |
Schimd | Carlo | Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille |
Schmidt | Fabian | MPA |
Schöneberg | Nils | RWTH Aachen -- Institute of Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology |
Schuldt | Stefan | Max-Plank Institut für Astrophysik/ Technische Universität München |
Schutz | Bernard | Cardiff University, and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics |
Scolnic | Daniel | Duke University |
Scowcroft | Vicky | University of Bath |
Setzer | Christian | The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University |
Sgro | Mario Agustin | IATE |
Shajib | Anowar | University of California, Loss Angeles |
Shanks | Tom | Durham University, UK |
Sharma | Karan | University of Delhi |
Shuntov | Marko | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris |
Silk | Joe | Professor |
Silva | Victoria | Universidade do Porto |
Silva | Hilberto | Instituto Astrofísica e Ciências do espaço |
Smith | Mathew | University of Southampton |
Smith | Tristan | Swarthmore College |
Soares | André | Universidade do Porto |
Spyromilio | Jason | ESO |
Starzonek | Sylwia | University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland |
Steer | Danièle | APC, Université de Paris |
Sun | Chen | Tel Aviv University |
Suyu | Sherry | Max-Plank Institut für Astrophysik / Technische Universität München |
Sven | Charles | Author; The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated |
Tanseri | Isabelle | Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Stockholm University |
Taormina | Mónica | Centrum Astronomiczne im. Mikołaja Kopernika PAN |
Tasinato | Gianmassimo | Swansea University |
Taubenberger | Stefan | Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik |
Teppa Pannia | Florencia | Universidad de Salamanca, Spain |
Tikhonenko | Ilia | Saint Peterburg State University |
Tisserand | Patrick | IAP |
Tsaprazi | Eleni | University of Stockholm |
Tutusaus | Isaac | ICE (IEEC-CSIC) |
Ulloa | Silvio | Universidad de Chile |
Valcin | David | University of Barcelona ICCUB |
Valencia-Enríquez | Diego | Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Nariño |
Valenti | Elena | ESO |
Valls-Gaboud | David | Observatoire de Paris |
van der Wild | Matthijs | University of Freiburg |
Vasquez | Gabriel | The Ohio State University |
Vattis | Kyriakos | Brown University |
Verde | Licia | ICREA & ICCUB |
Vivas | Kathy | Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory |
Walker | Alistair | NOIRlab/CTIO |
Walsh | Jeremy | ESO |
Wang | Wuji | ESO |
Wang | Qiang | MPA |
Weiss | Achim | MPI for Astrophysics |
Wiseman | Philip | University of Southampton |
Witte | Samuel | IFIC, University of Valencia |
Wong | Kenneth | Kavli IPMU |
Yang | Chentao | ESO Chile |
Zavala | Ivonne | Swansea University |