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The 12 Questions | SAC & LOC | Deadlines | Local Information | Proceedings |
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All contributed Talks (i.e. except Introductions) are 10min+questions long
Tuesday, July 3
08:30-09:15 | Registration at the Conference Desk |
09:15-09:30 | Welcome |
Question 1: How are the stellar and cluster initial mass functions related and how are they influenced by the star formation history?
09:30-09:50 | M.Rejkuba - Introduction |
09:50-10:25 | H.Sana - IMF of the open cluster NGC 6231 |
R.Klessen - Is the IMF universal? | |
J.Melnick - The scale-free character of the cluster mass function and the universality of the stellar IMF | |
10:25-10:40 | Poster viewing |
10:40-11:10 | A.Jordan - Initial Cluster Mass Function |
J.Alves - The stellar and cluster IMFs are not related | |
11:10-11:30 | Open discussion |
Question 2: What are the effects of stellar feedback?
12:00-12:10 | R.Klessen - review on triggering and subsequent stellar generations |
12:10-13:00 | T.Preibisch - Stellar Feeback and triggered star formation in OB assocations |
R.Wunsch - Catastrophic colling in super star cluster winds - positive feedback on star-formation | |
J.Dale - Feedback in simulations of massive star formation | |
14:15-14:30 | N.Bastian - review on residual gas removal and cluster disruption |
14:30-15:00 | S.Mengel - Westerlund 1 as a nearby, massive test case |
D.Nuernberger - Stars, Gas, and Dust within the Galactic Starburst Region NGC 3603 | |
15:00-15:15 | Open Discussion |
Question 3: What is the demographics of star formation in our Galaxy and others?
15:45-16:05 | T.Megeath - Introduction |
16:05-17:15 | A.Bik - A full census of the massive star content of high-mass star-formation region |
F.Motte - The global study of massive star-forming complexes in our Galaxy | |
N.Bastian - An objective method to study star-formation from sub-cluster to galaxy scales | |
M.Gieles - Stellar clustering at different ages in the Small Magellanic Cloud | |
17:15-17:45 | Discussion |
DINNER | Workshop Dinner in Garching |
Wednesday, July 4
Question 4: How did star formation proceed in Globular Clusters?
09:00-09:20 | F.D'Antona - Introduction: the complex chemistry within GCs |
09:20-09:50 | A.Milone - Observational evidence of multiple stellar generations in globular clusters |
T.Decressin - Effects of fast rotating massive stars in early globular clusters evolution | |
09:50-10:10 | Posters |
10:10-10:25 | Discussion: on normally-abnormal clusters, and introduction to the problem of complexity in Omega Cen |
10:25-10:45 | M.Hilker - Are ultra-compact dwarf galaxies scaled up omega Centauris? |
J.Colucci - Measuring Chemical Abundances and Horizontal Branch Morphology of Extragalactic Clusters using High Resolution Spectroscopy | |
10:45-11:00 | Discussion: on the star formation history: from normally-abnormal GCs to omega Cen and dwarf galaxies |
Question 5: How can we merge the galactic and extragalactic views of massive star formation regions derived from images and SEDs to a coherent physical picture?
11:30-11:55 | J.Steinacker - Introduction |
11:55-12:10 | I.Konstantopoulos - Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of the Cluster Population of Region B in M82 |
12:10-12:30 | Poster Viewing |
14:00-14:30 | R.Siebenmorgen (and E.Kruegel) - Dust emission from starbursts: SED models for observers |
M.Dopita (and B.Groves) - Deconstructing the SEDs of Starburst Galaxies | |
14:30-15:00 | Open Discussion |
Question 6: What governs proto-stellar mass accretion?
15:30-15:50 | D.Froebrich - Introduction |
15:50-16:50 | R.Banerjee/R.Pudritz - High Accretion rates during the Protostellar Phase |
M.Casali - What governs proto-stellar mass accretion? | |
T.Stanke - A 200AU scale accretion disk in the Class0 protostar L1641-N MM1 | |
T.Megeath - Assessing the Role of environment in Protostellar Evolution | |
16:50-17:30 | Open discussion/Poster Session (depending on poster submissions) |
Thursday, July 5
Question 8: How does spiral structure affect star formation?
09:00 - 09:20 | P.Grosbol - Introduction |
09:20 - 10:20 | H.Dottori - How does spiral structure affect star formation |
M.-M. Mac Low - Gravitational Instability as the Cause of both Spiral Structure and Star Formation | |
D.Narbutis - Star clusters in the Andromeda galaxy | |
R.Scheepmaker - ACS imaging of M51: correlations between cluster sizes and environments across a spiral disc | |
10:20 - 10:40 | Poster viewing |
10:40 - 11:00 | Discussion of main issues |
Question 9: How important is "primordial" mass segregation in the context of massive star cluster formation and evolution?
11:30-11:50 | Grijs - Introduction of the topic |
11:50-12:30 | D.A.Gouliermis - Young star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds |
J.Ascenso - Strong biases in common mass segregation | |
P.Espinoza - Revisiting Arches: Mass segregation in a young starburst cluster | |
14:00-14:30 | E.Vesperini - Dynamical origin of early mass segregation and its implications |
W.Brandner - Westerlund 1 as a proto-globular cluster | |
14:30-15:00 | General discussion and poster |
Question 10: What is the relationship between the properties of star clusters and the environments from which they form?
15:30-15:50 | K.Johnson - Introduction |
15:50-16:35 | P.Clark - The Star-Forming Ability of Molecular Clouds |
M.Sharina - Properties of spectroscopically confirmed globular clusters in dwarf galaxies | |
H.Baumgardt - What are the effects of primordial gas expulsion on cluster evolution ? | |
16:35-17:00 | Poster Overview |
17:00-17:30 | M.Mora - The star cluster properties in five late type spirals |
U.Fritze - Star Cluster Formation in different environments: similarities and differences |
Friday, July 6
Question 11: What are the similarities and differences between star forming objects at different scales and in different environments...
09:00-09:20 | E.Galliano - Introduction |
09:20-10:30 | J.Werk - Resolved Intergalactic Star Formation |
B.Ercolano - The demographics of star-forming regions from sub-parsec to galactic scales | |
A.Stolte - The orbital motion of the Arches cluster - clues on cluster formation in dense environments | |
B.Whitmore - The Life and Death of Star Clusters | |
M.Gieles - Cluster Destruction, Infant Mortality | |
10:40-11:00 | Posters - Discussion |
Question 12: Which Physics determine the stellar upper mass limit?
11:30-11:50 | H.Zinnecker - Introduction |
11:50-12:30 | E.Keto - Cooperative accretion and radiation pressure may form Trapezium-like clusters |
C.Weidner - The maximum-stellar-mass--cluster-mass relation as a result of stellar feedback | |
12:30-13:00 | Posters - Discussion |
Conference Summary - 14:00-16:00 - Served with Wine & Cheese
about 80 Registered Participants (as of May 25) in alphabetic order
- Alves
- Ascenso
- Attwood
- Banerjee
- Bastian
- Baumgardt
- Bik
- Bonatto
- Brandl
- Brandner
- Casali
- Colucci
- Clark
- D'Antona
- Dale
- Decressin
- Dopita
- Dottori
- Ercolano
- Espinoza
- Fritze
- Froebrich
- Galliano
- Gieles
- Gouliermis
- de Grijs
- Gritschneder
- Grosbol
- Hilker
- Johnson
- Jordan
- Keto
- Khadekar
- Khristoforov
- Khristoforova, D.
- Khristoforova, N.
- Kissler-Patig
- Klessen
- Konstantopoulos
- Kotulla
- Lamers
- Mac Low
- Malinina
- McCollum
- Moaz
- Megeath
- Melnick
- Mengel
- Milone
- Mora
- Motte
- Narbutis
- Nuernberger
- Papaderos
- Perret
- Petr-Gotzens
- Piontek
- Preibisch
- Putman
- Reines
- Rejkuba
- Sana
- Santangelo
- Scheepmaker
- Shen
- Siebenmorgen
- Sharina
- Silva Villa
- Smith, M.
- Sommariva
- Stanke
- Steinacker
- Stolte
- Testi
- Vesperini
- Villegas
- Walch
- Weidner
- Werk
- Whelan
- Whitmore
- Wunsch
- Yang
- Yu
- Zinnecker
confirmed posters as of Monday, June 25
- Title: Spiral structure nature in the gran design galaxie IC2421
Authors: Nobrega, Dottori, de Carvalho and Diaz - Title: The Contribution of Blue Stragglers to Conventional Simple Stellar Population Models -- using star clusters as working samples
Authors: Y. Xin, L. Deng, R. de Grijs, A. D. Mackey and Z. Han - Title: Loci of Triggered Star Formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Authors: D. A. Gouliermis, Th. Henning, W., Brandner, S. P. Quanz, M. Schmalzl, E. Henneckemper (MPIA) - Title: Dynamics of NGC 5461 Core: Super Star Cluster Formation"
Authors: Chao-Chin Yang, Paul Ricker, and You-Hua Chu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) - Title: The first stellar cluster
Authors: Paul C. Clark, Simon C.O. Glover & Ralf S. Klessen - Title: Natal Star Clusters Revealed in the Local Starburst NGC 4449 with High Resolution Radio and Optical Imaging
Authors: Amy E Reines & Kelsey E Johnson - Title: Ionisation and triggered star formation
Authors: M.Gritschneder, T. Naab, F. Heitsch, A. Burkert - Title: Measuring Chemical Abundances and Horizontal Branch Morphology of Extragalactic Clusters Using High Resolution Spectroscopy
Authors: Janet E. Colucci, Rebecca A. Bernstein, Andrew McWilliam, Scott Cameron - Title: Spitzer/IRS Imaging and Spectroscopy of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6052 (Mkn 297)
Authors: D.G. Whelan, D. Devost, V. Charmandaris, J. Marshall, & J.R. Houck - Title: Formation & Evolution of protostellar disks - 3D SPH simulations
Authors: S.Walch, A.Burkert, T.Naab - Title: Adaptive smoothing lengths in SPH
Authors: R.E.Attwood, S.P.Goodwin, A.P.Whitworth - Title: Nucleosynthesis in massive AGBs as possible source of self-enrichment in Globular Clusters'
Authors: Paolo Ventura and Francesca D'Antona (INAF-OAR, Roma, Italy) - Title: Star clusters in the Andromeda galaxy.
Authors: Donatas Narbutis, Vladas Vansevicius, Keiichi Kodaira, Ieva Sableviciute, Rima Stonkute, Audrius Bridzius. - Title: A 200 AU scale accretion disk in the Class 0 protostar L1641-N MM1
Authors: Thomas Stanke, Jonathan Williams - Title: Hierarchical Star-formation in M33
Authors: Nate Bastian, Barbara Ercolano, Mark Gieles, Erik Rosowlosky, Remco Scheepmaker, Rob Gutermuth, and Yuri Efremoc
Main page | Registration | News | Accommodation | Programme |
The 12 Questions | SAC & LOC | Deadlines | Local Information | Proceedings |