
Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
*** Registration ***
*** SESSION: Adaptive optics theory, instrumentation, observing, and data reduction strategies***
Welcome + Introduction (15 min): W. Brandner / M. Kasper - Welcome, Overview, Open Questions
09:30 Invited talk (40+10 min): Rigaut François (Gemini) - Adaptive Optics - an historical overview
*** 20 min Coffee Break ***
10:40 (20+5 min) Hubin Norbert - Adaptive Optics at ESO
11:05 Benn Chris - NAOMI, Adaptive Optics at the WHT
11:30 Veran Jean-Pierre - Early Science Commissioning with Altair
11:45 Hutchings John - Gemini AO early results
12:00 Takami Hideki - Adaptive Optics at SUBARU
*** Lunch Break ***
13:45 Schwarz Juergen - IDL and AO
14:00 Close Laird - Extreme AO - Adaptive Optics in the Mid-IR with the MMT Adaptive Secondary AO system
14:25 Ageorges Nancy - One year of AO operations at VLT
14:45 Hummel Wolfgang - Quality Control and Data Flow Operations of NAOS-CONICA
15:05 Lenzen Rainer / Lagrange Anne-Marie - Observational capabilities of NACO
*** 30 min Coffee Break ***
15:55 Hippler Stefan - Wide Field Post-Processing of Adaptive Optics Images
16:15 Goto Miwa - Note on spectroscopy with AO
16:40 Fusco Thierry - Calibration of Adaptive Optics Systems : application to NAOS-CONICA and future "Planet Finder" systems
17:05 Storey John - The unique Antarctic atmosphere: implications for adaptive optics
*** SESSION: Planetary System ***
17:30 Invited talk: Close Laird - AO observations of the solar system
Welcome Reception (end around 20:00)
Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
*** SESSION: Solar Science ***
09:00 Invited talk: Keller Christoph - AO observations of the Sun
09:50 Scharmer Göran - First results with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
10:10 Soltau Dirk - Investigations of the Evershed effect obtained with KAOS the solar AO system of the Kiepenheuer-Institut
*** Coffee Break ***
*** SESSION: Star formation: Disks, Binaries, Substellar companions, and Clusters ***
10:50 Invited talk: Menard François - Adaptive Optics observations of YSOs
11:40 Garcia Paulo - Coupled AO and integral field spectroscopy of PMS stars
12:00 Köhler Rainer - An AO search for binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster
12:20 Correia Serge - A VLT/NACO survey for triple systems among visual pre-MS binaries
*** Lunch Break ***
13:50 Boccaletti Anthony - Imaging of faint companions and circumstellar disks with the Palomar coronagraph
14:10 Masciadri Elena - A search for hot massive planets around nearby young stars with NACO
14:30 Martín Eduardo - A Search for Substellar Companions among IC2391 Super cluster Members Using Subaru/CIAO
14:50 Beuzit Jean-Luc - Mass-luminosity relation for very low-mass stars
15:10 Haisch Karl - Close Companions to Nearby Young Stars from Adaptive Optics on VLT and Keck
15:30 Huelamo Nuria - Polarimetric Differential Imaging observations of circumstellar disks in TW Hydrae: the NACO view
*** Coffee Break ***
16:10 Alves Joao - AO and High Mass Star Formation: NACO images of W49A
*** SESSION: Nebula and Outflows from Young and Evolved Stars ***
16:30 Invited talk: Takami Hideki - Study of extended molecular layer of late type stars by differential imaging with Subaru AO system
17:20 Rouan Daniel - The origin of the molecular flow in Orion-OMC1 (NACO observations)
17:40 Lemaire Jean Louis - NACO and PUEO-GRIF investigating small scale structures in OMC1
*** End of day ***
Thursday, September 18th, 2003
09:00 Pyo Tae-Soo - The Structure of Young Stellar Outflows Revealed by High Angular Resolution [Fe II] 1.644 micron spectroscopy
09:20 Puga Elena - AO observations of UCHIIs
09:40 Goto Miwa - Spatially resolved spectroscopy of PPNe
11:00 POSTER SESSION + Coffee
*** Lunch Break ***
*** SESSION: The Galactic center and beyond I***
13:45 Invited talk: Genzel Reinhard -  The Galactic Center Black Hole and the Central Cluster
14:35 Clénet Yann - a thermal detection of Sgr A* with NACO
15:00 Eckart Andreas - Infrared Excess Sources in the Galactic Center Stellar Cluster
*** End of day ***
*** Conference Dinner ***
Friday, September 19th, 2003
*** SESSION: The Galactic center and beyond II ***
09:00 Prieto Almudena - The closest AGN as seen with NACO
09:20 Davies Richard - Nuclear dynamics and star formation of AGN
09:40 Alloin Danielle - NGC1068: registrations with narrow FOV
10:00 Thatte Niranjan - AO spectroscopy of the narrow line region of NGC 1068
*** Coffee Break ***
10:40 Gratadour Damien - NACO Observations of NGC 1068
11:00 Marco Oliver - Tracing the coronal line region in AGN with VLT/NACO
11:20 Häring Nadine - The nucleus of CenA with NACO
*** Lunch Break ***
*** SESSION: Galaxies and Cosmology ***
13:00 Invited talk: Davidge Tim - The Resolved Stellar Populations in Star Clusters and Nearby Galaxies
13:50 Kobayashi Naoto - Near-infrared Spectroscopy of QSO Absorption Systems with the Subaru Adaptive Optics system
14:10 Guyon Olivier - An imaging survey of QSO host galaxies with Adaptive Optics
14:30 Baker Andrew - Survey of a Wide Area with NACO (SWAN): Cosmology at (Almost) the Diffraction Limit of the VLT
14:50 Quirrenbach Andreas - Keck and NACO Observations of Radio Galaxies
15:10 Roth Katherine - Using AO to Identify z=2 DLA Candidates
*** Coffee Break ***
*** SESSION: Science with future AO systems ***
15:55 Claire Moutou - Direct detection of Exoplanets with future AO systems
16:20 NN - Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) - a VLT 2nd generation instrument
16:45 Butler David - Distance measurement with present/future adaptive optics imaging
17:05 Invited talk: Gilmozzi Roberto - Science with OWL
*** End of conference ***
Saturday, September 20th, 2003
11:00 - 22:00
"O'zapft is" - the Oktoberfest starts

Brown, Anthony Simulating the performance of the SINFONI AO module with a laser guide star
Descamps, Pascal Astrometry with Adaptive Optics
Weghorn, Hans Correlation image processing of diagnostic raw data collected with the AO system NAOS-CONICA
Lloyd, James Non Redundant Masking Interferometry with AO
Sridharan, Rengaswamy Simulations on Solar Adaptive Optics Systems
Bouy, Herve High-resolution Observations of Binary Brown Dwarfs
Petr-Gotzens, Monika The enigmatic nature of Theta 1 Orionis A
Gustafson, Maiken Imaging in Orion: NACO
Haisch, Karl VLT AO Imaging of the Eta Chamaeleontis Young Cluster
Kouwenhoven, Thijs Adaptive optics observations of the young OB association Sco OB2
Mugrauer, Markus Search for sub-stellar companions around young nearby stars with Speckle and AO
Nürnberger, Dieter NAOS-CONICA Observations of NGC3603 IRS9 -- Lifting the Curtains at the High Mass End
Terada, Hiroshi Near Infrared AO Spectroscopy of Edge-on Disks with Subaru IRCS
Wang, Hongchi Companions of Herbig Ae/Be stars revealed with ALFA
Christensen, Lars Shocks and star formation in Orion: Results with GRIF
Koji, Murakawa Near infrared imaging of late type stars using CIAO on the Subaru telescope
van den Ancker, Mario NAOS/CONICA Imaging of the Nebula around the Enignmatic C-star IRAS 17340-3757
Minowa, Yosuke Subaru Deep Field with AO
Zuther, Jens Selection of Extragalactic Targets for AO and VLTI Observations
Gouliermis, Dimitrios Surface Brightness Fluctuations as Distance Indicator: A Case for Extremely Large Telescopes
Conan, Rodolphe High Order AO simulation tool for VLTs and ELTs
Mouillet, David Higher Contrast Imaging with ESO/VLT "Planet Finder"
Kellner, Stephan AO Wavefront Sensors for ELTs
Vicente, Silvia no title yet

Registration (not any more) Accomodation Programme and Posters Proceedings
Important Deadlines Participants Local Information