
Proceedings of the

VLT Opening Symposium

Antofagasta, Chile

1-4 March 1999

Instructions for Authors


The Symposium proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series "ESO Astrophysics Symposia".

Obtaining the LaTeX macros:

Contributions must be formatted with LaTeX using the LaTeX macros which are available from the ESO ftp host ( in the directory /pub/esoproceedings/latex2e.
If you retrieve these files via a Web browser, please note that you need to use the browser's "Save As..." facility.
If you are not using a Web browser to obtain the files, please do the following:

  • Use anonymous ftp to:
  • Login in as anonymous and change to directory: /pub/esoproceedings/latex2e
  • Then "get" all of the files in this directory.
  • Remember to change to binary mode before transferring files with the extensions .PDF, .doc, .dvi.

If you are unable to use the LaTeX2e macros because you are still using an older version of LaTeX, please contact to request a set of macros which are compatible with older LaTeX versions.

Preparing your contribution:

The files 1readme.PDF (pdf format) and 1readme.doc (MS Word format) contain detailed instructions for authors.
The file author.tex contains a sample contribution, which can be used as a template for your own text. The files author.dvi and are the .dvi and .ps files generated by running LaTeX and dvips on author.tex, and the file figure.eps is a sample figure.

If you include your own LATEX command definitions, please keep these to an absolute minimum, and do not change the macros.

Figures should be provided as PostScript files and should if possible be incorporated in your contribution using a package such as the "graphicx" package used in the demo file author.tex.

Page limits:

The page limits are:

  • Talks of 40 to 45 minutes: max. 8 pages
  • Talks of 25 to 35 minutes: max. 6 pages
  • Talks of 15 to 20 minutes: max. 4 pages

Please try to observe these limits. It is anticipated that some editorial overview will be exercised and authors may be requested to make changes to their papers.

Colour illustrations:

Due to the high cost of colour plates only a very limited number of colour illustrations will be accepted, and only if there is a strong scientific justification.

Note on Abstracts:

The LaTeX macros allow authors to provide an abstract. However, this abstract will not appear in your contribution which is published in the proceedings. Instead, it will be transmitted to the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) for inclusion in their database of abstracts.

Submitting your contribution:

Please e-mail the LaTeX source file of your contribution, and PostScript files of any figures, to
In addition, a paper copy of your contribution, including all figures and tables etc., should be sent to the address below.

Ms. P. Bristow
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany

The deadline for receipt of manuscripts is 15 April, 1999.

For further information about the proceedings, please contact: