
ESO Conference on Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift

ESO Headquarters, D-85748 Garching near Munich, Germany

October 14-16, 1998

Instructions for Authors

ESO now publishes its workshop proceedings in a Springer series with a format similar to "Lecture Notes in Physics". The LATEX macros can be obtained from the ESO ftp host ( . Please note that you need to use the "SAVE AS" capabilities of your browser.

use anonymous ftp to
and login in as anonymous and change to directory
Then "get" the following files:

Please use these macros to format your contribution. Please, DO NOT include your own LATEX command definitions, and DO NOT change the macros.

In particular, running LATEX on the file lamuphys.doc will produce detailed instructions for preparing your document. lamuphys.dem is a sample proceedings contribution.

The submission should be by email of the Latex source file of your contribution, with figures sent where possible as PostScript files. Packages such as psfig may be used to incorporate figures into the Latex file. IN ADDITION, a paper copy of your contribution, including all figures and tables etc., should be sent to the address below.

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of colour plates (about DM 1000/page) we will accept them only at the expense of the author.

The page limits are:

Invited Reviews (R) max. 10 pages
Shorter Invited Papers (I) max. 6 pages
Contributed Papers (C) max. 5 pages
Poster Papers (P) max. 1 page

Please try to observe these limits. It is anticipated that some editorial overview will be exercised and authors may be requested to make changes to their papers.

The LATEX-files, and PostScript files of figures, should be e-mailed to:
and paper copies of the manuscripts sent to:

Ms. P. Bristow
ESO - Chemev98
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany

The ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for receipt of manuscripts is DECEMBER 15, 1998.

For further information, please contact:

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