VINCI Data Reduction Software
The latest ESO VINCI data reduction software used by the pipeline is version 2.0.8 that can be downloaded from this directory
or as a complete tar file including pipeline and offline (NonIpip) versions. The main purpose of the ESO pipeline is the data quality control and the results are not supposed to be used directly for scientific analysis.
The VINCI raw data are stored as FITS binary tables described in this document and can be visualised with the CFITSIO Interactive FITS File Editor.
The version 3.0 of the VINCI data reduction software developed by P.Kervella, D.Segransan and V.Coude du Foresto is available for download as a single tar archive (5.5 Mbytes), with a detailed description of the implemented algorithms (1.4 Mbytes Adobe Acrobat PDF file). For installation, uncompress the tar.gz archive and follow the README.txt instructions. This code has been tested to operate under MacOS X, Linux and HP-UX, but it is provided "as is", on a best effort basis, and isnot supported by ESO DMD.
September 2018 update: a new functionnal version of the VINCI pipeline is now available. Click here to download VINCI DRS version 3.3. Instructions can be found in the README.