ESO Archive
Access public data (or private data, using your login and password)at the ESO archive website. You can use queries using AMBER specific keywords here.
Data reduction
- The supported AMBER Data Reduction Software (DRS) is available from the AMBER consortium and the JMMC, and can be downloaded from At the same place, the AMBER DRS documentation is available. It includes a general description of the data reduction, a presentation of the software, a cookbook so that you can experiment the data reduction on actual data, and a section with frequently-asked-questions (FAQ).
- Background on FINITO data contained in the AMBER files can be found in this document and in the AMBER user manual.
- Flat-field and bad-pixel maps up to 2013 can be found at the ESO QC webpage. More recent FFM and BPM can be obtained from the ESO archive directly.
Generic VLTI Tools and information
- VLTI visibility calculator (VisCalc) VisCalc is an online tool that has been developed for all the VLTI instruments. It gives an estimate of the visibility obtained from a target, depending on the target geometry and on the VLTI baseline that is used.
- VLTI calibrator selector (CalVin). To help the user to select visibility calibrator sources for phase-2, it is recommended to use the "CalVin" online tool, by clicking on the link.