
The Optical Detector Team is a multidisciplinary (electronics, software, cryogenics, detector physics, astronomy, etc.), multi-national (Australian, Danish, French, German, Italian,Spanish, etc.) department in ESO's Instrumentation Division. We closely collaborate with our collegues at ESO´s La Silla Paranal Observatory in Chile and other departments of the Instrumentation Division,the Technical Division (software and electronics), and, last but by no means least, external instrument consortia and industry. In addition, we regularly host visitors and temporary team members for various periods of time. In this cooperative network,we assume the beginning-to-end responsibility assigned to usfor ESO's optical detector systems.

Please communicate to or fax +49-89-32006530. Your request will be replied by the next working day at the latest.

Staff Members

Dietrich Baade Olaf Iwert Claudio Cumani Sebastian Deiries Mark Downing
Christoph Geimer Mirko Todorovic Evi Hummel Roland Reiss Javier Reyes