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NAME | | |||||||||||||||||
1.0 -- 2006-06-22 fill template by handbook 1.1 -- 2006-07-07 reviseted, certified | |||||||||||||||||
INSTRUMENT | SINFONI | |||||||||||||||||
SYNTAX | SHELL | |||||||||||||||||
RAWTYPE | STD | |||||||||||||||||
measureQuality from $DFS_PRODUCT/STD/$DATE: qc_STD -d $DATE -f $primfile | |||||||||||||||||
PURPOSE | a) generates QC report, b) writes QC1 parameters into local database | |||||||||||||||||
a) $DATE in yyyy-mm-dd, b) $primfile is the PRO.CATG=COADD_STD product with the _0000.fits extension. c) raw frames are implicitely read from the AB. d) Other products MED_COADD_STD, STD_STAR_SPECTRA, MFLAT_AVG, STD_CUBE_SKY are implicitely read. | |||||||||||||||||
QC1TABLE | trending | table in QC1 database: sinfoni_std (TBD) | |||||||||||||||||
TRENDPLOT | trending | current trending plot associated to this procedure: trend_SI_STD_ELLI_current.gif trend_SI_STD_FWHM_current.gif trend_SI_STD_FMAS_current.gif trend_SI_STD_FMASK_current.gif trend_SI_STD_FOPE_current.gif trend_SI_STD_ELLO_current.gif trend_SI_STD_PFWHM_current.gif trend_SI_STD_PFMAS_current.gif trend_SI_STD_PFMASK_current.gif trend_SI_STD_RFWHM_current.gif trend_SI_STD_RENC_current.gif trend_SI_STD_RSTRL_current.gif | |||||||||||||||||
QC1PAGE | trending | associated trending page: qc_SI_std.html | |||||||||||||||||
std1.png display STACKED intermediate product on Real Time Display std2.png display MED_COADD_STD product on Real Time Display std3.png display MFLAT_MED product on Real Time Display std4.png display MFLAT_AVG product on Real Time Display std5.png display SKY_CUBE product on Real Time Display std6.png display QC_RATIO product on Real Time Display std7.png UL: The mean (collapsed) column (red) and the column at X=2048/4 of the product frame. UC: Two rows at Y=2048/4 (red) and Y=2048*(3/4) (blue) of the product frame UR: A parabolic function (blue) is fit to the central part (-3 to 3 counts) of the log of the raw2-raw1 difference frame (red). Histogram of the raw3-raw2 difference frame (green). LL: Zoom of UC LC: The Y=500 row of the product minus the Y=500 row of a reference product. Y=600 row of the product minus the Y=600 row of a reference product. X=500 column of the master minus the X=500 column of a reference product. The reference product is renewed usually once a period or after an intervention. LR: Histogram of the difference frame (second raw minus first raw) (red) and Gaussian fit between -3 and 3 counts (blue). Histogram of the raw3-raw2 difference frame (green) | |||||||||||||||||
QC1 parameters, read from the RealTimeComputer of the AO module (as for PSF, OBSNOD ...) fits header key name , databse key name : AOS.RTC.GUIDESTAR.MAGNITUDE , TBD AOS.RTC.OBS.FWHMMEAN , TBD AOS.RTC.OBS.FWHMSTD , TBD AOS.RTC.OBS.ENCMEAN , TBD AOS.RTC.OBS.ENCSTD , TBD AOS.RTC.OBS.STREHLMEAN , TBD NONE , qc_oes1, oddeven column stripe of first SKY frame, from post-pipeline QC script QC1 parameters, generated by a post-pipeline QC script that does a Gaussian fit to all planes of the final cube: X_POS , TBD Y_POS , TBD FWHM_MIN , TBD FWHM_MAX , TBD FWHM_POSANG , TBD FWHM_RATIO , TBD TOT , TBD QC1 parameters genertaed by the pipeline (a standard sequence) QC.FRMON.MEANFLUX, qc_frmon_meanflux , standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame QC.FRMOFF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmoff_meanflux, standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=off frame QC.FRMDIF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmdif_meanflux standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame minus lamp=off frame QC.FRMON.MAXFLUX, qc_frmon_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on frame QC.FRMOFF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmoff_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=off frame QC.FRMDIF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmdif_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on farme minus lam=off frame QC.FRMON.NPIXSAT , qc_frmon_npixsat Number of saturated pixels QC1 parameters generated by the pipeline for STD only QC.FWHMX none , ; Gaussian fit (median over all wavelengths) QC.FWHMY none , ; Gaussian fit (median over all wavelengths) QC.FWHM.MAJ none , ; Gaussian fit (median over all wavelengths) QC.FWHM.MIN none , ; Gaussian fit (median over all wavelengths) QC.THETA none , ; Gaussian fit (median over all wavelengths) QC.FWHM.LLX none , ; box paramater QC.FWHM.LLY none , ; box parameter QC.FWHM.HBX none , ; box paramater QC.FWHM.SHIFTX none , ; unknown QC.FWHM.SHIFTY none , ; unknown QC.CONVFCT none , ; undocumented conversion factor QC.CHECK3 none , ; box parameter | |||||||||||||||||
Description of algorithms: (status 2006-07-10) RTC QC parameters : special AO software FWHM parameters : the post-pipeline scripts applied the ESO-MIDAS command CENTER/IQE to each plane of the final product cube. The wavelength mean MEDIAN value is given. FRM QC1 parameters : simple statistics on the final product cube FWHM parameters : Gauss fit integrated into the pipeline; QC1 parameter inventory TBD | |||||||||||||||||
Tolerated: - strong persistence in SKY frame - star in sky frame - strong skew of spectrum Rejected: - low flux | |||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | local difference frames (current product minus last one) and reference difference frames (current product minus reference) are provided in the detailed section of certifyProducts | |||||||||||||||||
created by qcDocu, a tqs tool |