QC documentation system: QC procedure qc_WAVE for SINFONI

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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VERSION 1.0 -- 2006-06-21 fill template by handbook
1.1 -- 2006-07-07 certified
CALL measureQuality
qc_WAVE -d $DATE -f $primfile
PURPOSE a) generates QC report,
b) writes QC1 parameters into local database
PROCINPUT a) $DATE in yyyy-mm-dd,
b) $primfile is the PRO.CATG=WAVE_MAP product with the _0000.fits extension.
c) raw frames are implicitely read from the AB.
d) Reference WAVE_MAP and SLIT_POS and WAVE_LAMP_STACKED are implicitely read from $DFO_QC_DIR/references/WAVE.
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

display WAVE_LAMP_STACKED on RealTimeDisplay

display WAVE_MAP on RealTime Display

UL : The first coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the wavelength offset) for all columns (current=red, blue=most recent).
UR: As Upper left: The first coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the wavelength offset) for all columns (RED); The same of the reference frame (BLUE)
CL: The second coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the linear dispersion) for all columns (current=red, blue=most recent).
CR: As CL. The second coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the linear dispersion) for all columns (RED). The same for the reference frame (BLUE).
LL: The third coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the quadratic term of the dispersion) for all columns.
LR: As LL. The third coefficient of the wavelength calibration polynomial (the quadratic term of the dispersion) for all columns (RED). The same for the reference frame (BLUE).

UL: Slit_pos, the absolute column positions of the 32 slitlets (start and end). The start is shown against the end position, and a linear regression.
CL The residuals of the linear fit shown in the upper plot are given.
UR Arc spectrum: current, reference, most recent
LR Arc spectrum zoom (TBD): current, reference, most recent.
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written into QC1 table:
FITSNAME, DBNAME , typical value, description:
QC.WAVE.ALL , qc_wave_all, number of identified arc lines
QC.WAVE.NPIXSAT , qc_wave_npixsat, number of saturated pixel
QC.WAVE.MAXFLUX , qc_wave_maxflux, product max flux
QC.COEF0.AVG , qc_coef0_avg, dispersion coefficient (mean shift over all columns)
QC.COEF0.MED , qc_coef0_med, dispersion coefficient (median shift over all columns)
QC.COEF1.AVG , qc_coef1_avg, dispersion coefficient (mean dispersion over all columns)
QC.COEF1.MED , qc_coef1_med, dispersion coefficient (median dispersion nover all columns)
QC.COEF2.AVG , qc_coef2_avg, dispersion coefficient (mean non-linear over all columns)
QC.COEF2.MED , qc_coef2_med, dispersion coefficient (median non-linear over all columns)
QC.FWHM.AVG , qc_fwhm_avg, average of FWHM of arc lines
QC.FWHM.MED , qc_fwhm_med, median FWHM of arc lines
NONE , qc_slit17_x, position of slitlet #17
QC.WAVE.POSERR , qc_wave_poserr quality of wavelength solution
QC.FRMON.MEANFLUX, qc_frmon_meanflux , standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame
QC.FRMOFF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmoff_meanflux, standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=off frame
QC.FRMDIF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmdif_meanflux standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame minus lamp=off frame
QC.FRMON.MAXFLUX, qc_frmon_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on frame
QC.FRMOFF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmoff_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=off frame
QC.FRMDIF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmdif_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on farme minus lam=off frame
QC.FRMON.NPIXSAT , qc_frmon_npixsat Number of saturated pixels
QC.NLINES , qc_frmon_npixsat Number of found lines, not trended
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms:
qc_wave_all : number of identified lines
qc_wave_npixsat : number of saturated pixel
qc_wave_maxflux : product maximum flux
qc_coef0_avg .. qc_coef2_med For each of the 2048 columns an individual wavelength dispersion solution is found specified by three coefficients per column. The median and the average over the 2048 coefficients is given.
qc_fwhm_avg the average full width at half maximum of the sample of arc lines
qc_fwhm_med the median full width at half maximum of the sample of arc lines
qc_slit_17 just the slitlet postion valoe of slitlet #17 taken from the SLIT_POS product
qc_wave_poserr : overall dispersion solution fit quality
qc_frmon_meanflux .. qc_frmdif_maxflux I set of simple QC1 parameters; they applied in various recipes of sinfoni
qc_frmon_npixsat number of saturated pixels
CERTIF Reasons for rejection:
The calibration template requests user-intercation (init the grating, move it to the desired position) in case a grating time-out occurs. Hence wheel-stuck problems do not occur. TBD: The FLAT_LAMP_STACKED_DIST should be checked via the detailled/F option, or included in the video_show; Check the right rim !!,
a QC report is TBD.
COMMENTS local difference frames (current product minus last one) and reference difference frames (current product minus reference) are provided in the detailed section of certifyProducts
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