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NAME | | |||||||||||||||||
VERSION | 1.0 -- 2006-06-27 fill template by handbook | |||||||||||||||||
INSTRUMENT | SINFONI | |||||||||||||||||
SYNTAX | SHELL | |||||||||||||||||
RAWTYPE | PUPIL | |||||||||||||||||
measureQuality from $DFS_PRODUCT/PUPIL/$DATE: qc_PUPIL -d $DATE -f $primfile | |||||||||||||||||
PURPOSE | a) generates QC report, b) writes QC1 parameters into local database | |||||||||||||||||
a) $DATE in yyyy-mm-dd, b) $primfile is the PRO.CATG=MASTER_PUPIL product with the _0000.fits extension. c) raw frames are implicitely read from the AB. | |||||||||||||||||
QC1TABLE | trending | table in QC1 database: sinfoni_pupil | |||||||||||||||||
TRENDPLOT | trending | current trending plot associated to this procedure: trend_SI_PP_PX_current.gif trend_SI_PP_PY_current.gif | |||||||||||||||||
QC1PAGE | trending | associated trending page: qc_SI_pupil.html | |||||||||||||||||
pupil0.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay pupil1.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay pupil2.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay pupil3.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay pupil4.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay pupil5.png display MASTER_PUPIL on RealTimeDisplay | |||||||||||||||||
QC1 parameters, read from the RealTimeComputer of the AO module AOS.RTC.GUIDESTAR.MAGNITUDE , none AOS.RTC.OBS.FWHMMEAN , none AOS.RTC.OBS.FWHMSTD , none AOS.RTC.OBS.ENCMEAN , none AOS.RTC.OBS.ENCSTD , none AOS.RTC.OBS.STREHLMEAN , none NONE , qc_oes1, oddeven column stripe of first SKY frame, from post-pipeline QC script QC1 parameters, generated by a post-pipeline QC script that does a Gaussian fit to all planes of the final cube: X_POS , none Y_POS , none FWHM_MIN , none FWHM_MAX , none FWHM_POSANG , none FWHM_RATIO , none TOT , none QC1 parameters (a standard sequence) QC.FRMON.MEANFLUX, qc_frmon_meanflux , standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame QC.FRMOFF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmoff_meanflux, standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=off frame QC.FRMDIF.MEANFLUX, qc_frmdif_meanflux standard QC1 parameter: mean flux of lamp=on frame minus lamp=off frame QC.FRMON.MAXFLUX, qc_frmon_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on frame QC.FRMOFF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmoff_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=off frame QC.FRMDIF.MAXFLUX, qc_frmdif_maxflux standart QC1 parameter: max flux of lamp=on farme minus lam=off frame QC.FRMON.NPIXSAT , qc_frmon_npixsat Number of saturated pixels QC1 parameters for PUPIL only QC.PUPIL.X , qc_pupil_x, (20.207021), pupil center QC.PUPIL.Y , qc_pupil_y (1.741316), pupil center | |||||||||||||||||
Description of algorithms: qc_pupil_x : centroid position, (weighted average) qc_pupil_y : centrid position (weighted average) | |||||||||||||||||
Reasons for rejection: - As a technical calibration, all position values represent the instrumental/optical status. - Lamp failure might be a reason the reject the calibration. | |||||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | A technical calibration. To Do: verify QC parameters, include as Health Check plot. | |||||||||||||||||
created by qcDocu, a tqs tool |