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NAME | | |||||||||||||||
VERSION | 1.0 -- 2006-06-22 fill template by handbook | |||||||||||||||
INSTRUMENT | SINFONI | |||||||||||||||
SYNTAX | SHELL | |||||||||||||||
RAWTYPE | OBSJIT | |||||||||||||||
measureQuality from $DFS_PRODUCT/OBSJIT/$DATE: qc_OBSJIT -d $DATE -f $primfile | |||||||||||||||
PURPOSE | a) generates QC report, b) writes QC1 parameters into local database | |||||||||||||||
a) $DATE in yyyy-mm-dd, b) $primfile is the PRO.CATG=COADD_OBJ product with the _0000.fits extension. c) raw frames are implicitely read from the AB. d) Other products MED_COADD_OBJ, OBJ_STAR_SPECTRA, MFLAT_AVG, OBJ_CUBE_SKY are implicitely read. | |||||||||||||||
trending | table(s) in QC1 database: sinfoni_std (TBD) | |||||||||||||||
TRENDPLOT | trending | current trending plot associated to this procedure: none | |||||||||||||||
trending | associated trending page(s): qc_SI_obsnod.html | |||||||||||||||
obsnod1.png display STACKED intermediate product on Real Time Display obsnod2.png display MED_COADD_OBJ product on Real Time Display obsnod3.png display MFLAT_MED product on Real Time Display obsnod4.png display MFLAT_AVG product on Real Time Display obsnod5.png display SKY_CUBE product on Real Time Display obsnod6.png display QC_RATIO product on Real Time Display obsnod7.png UL: The mean (collapsed) column (red) and the column at X=2048/4 of the product frame. UC: Two rows at Y=2048/4 (red) and Y=2048*(3/4) (blue) of the product frame UR: A parabolic function (blue) is fit to the central part (-3 to 3 counts) of the log of the raw2-raw1 difference frame (red). Histogram of the raw3-raw2 difference frame (green). LL: Zoom of UC LC: The Y=500 row of the product minus the Y=500 row of a reference product. Y=600 row of the product minus the Y=600 row of a reference product. X=500 column of the master minus the X=500 column of a reference product. The reference product is renewed usually once a period or after an intervention. LR: Histogram of the difference frame (second raw minus first raw) (red) and Gaussian fit between -3 and 3 counts (blue). Histogram of the raw3-raw2 difference frame (green) | |||||||||||||||
QC1 parameters written into QC1 table: FITSNAME, DBNAME , typical value, description: QC.DARKMED.AVE , qc_darkmed_ave, (20.207021), Average of raw darks medians QC.DARKMED.STDEV , qc_darkmed_stdev (1.741316), STDEV of raw darks medians QC.RONRMS , qc_ronrms, (441.092956), RMS on Read Out Noise QC.DARKFPN , qc_dark_fpn, (2.53823), Fixed Pattern Noise of combined frames QC.RON1 , qc_ron1, (3.517257), Read Out Noise from first raw frame pair QC.RON2 , qc_ron2, (3.524859), Read Out Noise from second raw frame pair QC.BP-MAP.METHOD , qc_bpm_method, (Normal), bad pixel map method (here hot pixel map) QC.BP-MAP.NBADPIX, qc_bpm_nbadpix, (200), number of hot pixels NONE , qc_oes1, (0.0234), oddeven column stripe of first raw frame NONE , qc_oes2, (0.0234), oddeven column stripe of second raw frame NONE , qc_oes3, (0.0234), oddeven column stripe of third raw frame NONE , qc_gaf_fpn (2.543), Fixed Pattern Noise of combined frames | |||||||||||||||
Description of algorithms: qc_darkmed_ave : Average of (3) raw darks medians qc_darkmed_stdev : STDEV of (3) raw darks medians qc_ronrms : RMS on Read Out Noise qc_dark_fpn : Use the window of the MASTER_DARK product frame specified by recipe command line parameters dark-qc_fpn_xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax (default is the whole chip). Take dark-qc_fpn_nsamp (default dark-qc_fpn_nsamp = 100) randomly distributed samples of (2 hsize +1)*(2 hsize +1) (default hsize = 4) sample size from MASTER_DARK. Take median of all sample stdev. qc_ron1 : Apply the formulae of DARKFPN to the difference of the first two consecutive raw DARK frames. Convert to NDIT=1 and single raw frame (factor of sqrt(2)). qc_ron2 As RON1 but for second pair of raw frames. qc_bpm_method: Bad pixel map method qc_bpm_nbadpix: All pixels above kappa * sigma, where kappa is bp_noise-thresh_sigma_fct (default = 10) qc_oes1, (not calculated by pipeline): Of the first dark raw frame, calculate the median of all odd columns and all even columns for slitlet #25 only and derive stdev. qc_oes2, not calculated by pipeline): As qc_oes1, but for second raw frame qc_oes3, (not calculated by pipeline): As qc_oes1, but for third raw frame qc_gaf_fpn, (not calculated by pipeline) generate histogram of MASTER_DARK and fit Normal distribution, read stdev. | |||||||||||||||
Reasons for rejection: - slitlet #25 (the #31th slitlet counted from left) might contain additional oddeven signal - random hot/cold pixels in slitlet #31 (the #18th counted from left) - persistance (standard star traces) could become apparent in UL quadrant at large DIT. | |||||||||||||||
COMMENTS | local difference frames (current product minus last one) and reference difference frames (current product minus reference) are provided in the detailed section of certifyProducts | |||||||||||||||
created by qcDocu, a tqs tool |