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NAME | | |||||||||||||||||
1.0 -- 2006-06-19 fill template by handbook 1.1 -- 2006-07-07 certified | |||||||||||||||||
INSTRUMENT | SINFONI | |||||||||||||||||
SYNTAX | SHELL | |||||||||||||||||
RAWTYPE | FLAT | |||||||||||||||||
measureQuality from $DFS_PRODUCT/FLAT/$DATE: qc_FLAT -d $DATE -f $primfile | |||||||||||||||||
a) generates QC report b) writes QC1 parameters into local database | |||||||||||||||||
a) $DATE in yyyy-mm-dd, b) $primfile is the PRO.CATG=MASTER_FLAT_LAMP product with the _0000.fits extension. c) raw frames are implicitely read from the AB. d) Reference MASTER_FLAT_LAMP and MASTER_BP_MAP, BP_MAP_NO are implicitely read from $DFO_QC_DIR/references/FLAT. | |||||||||||||||||
QC1TABLE | trending | table in QC1 database: sinfoni_flat | |||||||||||||||||
TRENDPLOT | trending | current trending plot associated to this procedure: trend_SI_FT_LEFF_current.gif trend_SI_FT_BP_current.gif trend_SI_FT_OFF_current.gif trend_SI_FT_FP1_current.gif trend_SI_FT_FP2_current.gif | |||||||||||||||||
QC1PAGE | trending | associated trending page: qc_SI_flat.html | |||||||||||||||||
flat1.png display MASTER_FLAT_LAMP on RealTimeDisplay flat2.png display MASTER_BP_MAP on RealTimeDisplay flat3.png UL: a) (blue) one single column at x=500 of the current product b) (magenta) one single column at x=500 of the reference product c) (red) median column collapsed over x=250-750 of the current product (= slit function) d) (green) median column collapsed over x=250-750 of the reference product (=slit function) (+0.05) UC: a) (red) single row at y=500 of the current product. b) (blue) single row at y=600 of the current product c) (red as well) median row collapsed over y=250-750 of the current product. d) (green) median row collapsed over y=250-750 of the reference product (+0.05) UR: histograms of the current master flat, of the reference master flat and the difference of both histograms in logarithmic scale LL: a) collapsed column of the current product b) (blue) single column at x=500 of the product c) (magenta) single column at x=500 of the reference. LL: a) collapsed column of the current product b) (blue) single column at x=500 of the product c) (magenta) single column at x=500 of the reference. LC: a) (red) current slit function divided by the reference slit function (enhances vertical shifts of the slit). b) (green) current lamp spectrum divided by the reference spectrum (enhances fringes) LR: Histogram of the lamp-off frames (broad) and histogram of the lamp-on frames (narrow) | |||||||||||||||||
QC1 parameters written into QC1 table: FITSNAME, DBNAME , typical value, description: QC.BP-MAP.METHOD , qc_bpm_method, (Noise), bad pixel map method (here hot pixel map) QC.BP-MAP.NBADPIX, qc_bpm_nbadpix, (200), number deviating pixels QC.MBP_MAP.NBADPIX, qc_mbp_map_nbadpix, (200), number of bad pixel s QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSAVG,qc_specflux_cavg, (18500), mean of (5) on-lamp frame medians QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSSTD,qc_specflux_cstd, (35), stdev of (5) on-lamp frame medians QC.SPECFLAT.OFFFLUX,qc_specflux_coff, (5.5) mean of (5) off-lamp frame medians QC.LFLAT.FPN1 ,qc_lflat_fpn1, (2.4) Fixed pattern noise of chip area #1 QC.LFLAT.FPN2 ,qc_lflat_fpn2, (23.5) Fixed pattern noise of chip area #2 | |||||||||||||||||
Description of algorithms: qc_bpm_method: Bad pixel map method = NORMAL qc_bpm_nbadpix: All pixel that deviate more than kappa * sigma from a mean spectral slope per column. This gives the BP_MAP_NO. qc_mbp_map_nbadpix The BP_MAP_NO map is merged with the BP_MAP_NL (an associated master calibration generated by the the linearity recipe) to give the MASTER_BP_MAP. The integral of this final map gives the QC1 parameter. qc_specflat_ncntsavg From the raw input set of 10 raw flat frames (5 with lamp=on and 5 with lamp=off, alternating) derive 5 off-lamp subtrcated flat frames and 5 median values. The QC1 parameter is the average of the 5 medians qc_specflat_ncntsstd is the stdev of the 5 medians qc_specflat_offflux, is the average of the 5 off-lamp medians qc_lflat_fpn1, The stddev of a region (default is central 1024x1024 pixel). The area on the chip is configurable via command line parameters. qc_lflat_fpn2, The stddev of a region (default is a stripe within one slitlet). The area on the chip is configurable via command line parameters. | |||||||||||||||||
Tolerated - The FOV outer slilet #32 can be subject of vignetting, in particular after interventions. Inform PSO!! - Slitlet #18 is subject of non-reproducible bad pixel columns, accepted - Slitlet #25 can be subject of sporadically occuring odd-even signal, accepted | |||||||||||||||||
Local difference frames (current product minus last one) and reference difference frames
(current product minus reference) are provided in the detailed section of certifyProducts.
Cube reconstructed and median/average collapsed lamp flats are used to check illumination.
These formats are part of stdstar/psf/science raw types QC. In a cube reconstructed and collapsed frame with initially 32x32 pixel (expanded to 64x64 pixel) the slitlets are from top to bottom #1, #2, #3 ... #32. The order of these slitlests in a raw frame is quite different. In a raw frame these are (from left to right) #9, #8, #10, #7, #11, ... #16, (the striking bad pixel circle), #1, #32, #17 ... #25, #24 (at the right edge of the array); see the user manaul for details. The MASTER_FLAT_LAMP is not corrected for optical distortion. The optical distortion corrected flat occurs as LAMP_FLAT_STACKED_DIST product of the wavecal recipe. The cube-reconstruced flat appears as MFLAT_AVG and MFLAT_MED product of the si_rec_jitter recipe. Hence LAMP_FLAT_STACKED_DIST products are certfied/checked as part of the WAVE certificication; MFLAT_AVG and MFLAT_MED products are certified as part of the STD certification. | |||||||||||||||||
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