The brown dwarf object 2M1207 and GPCC

Artist’s impression of VFTS 243 in the Tarantula Nebula

Size comparison: Betelgeuse and the Sun

Disc around the young star RX J1615

Wide-field view of the sky around the globular star cluster Messier 4

NGC 300 X-1 in the spiral galaxy NGC 300

Shell around V445 Puppis (March 2005)

Shell around V445 Puppis (October 2006)

Around the nova V445 Puppis

Shell around V445 Puppis (December 2005)

Wide-field view around the BH3 black hole

Annotated map of VISTA’s view of the centre of the Milky Way

A supernova leaves behind a compact object in a binary system

A compact object and its companion star

Gems of southern sky

Surface map of Luhman 16B recreated from VLT observations (annotated)

Star trails above the VLT

AO-corrected image of a 17.5-magnitude star

The star that exploded on February 23 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Near-infrared image of AB Doradus A and its companion

The disc and jet in the HH 1177 young star system as seen with MUSE and ALMA

Surface map of Luhman 16B recreated from VLT observations

Wide-field view of the sky around the star HD 85512

Looking into the Milky Way’s heart — ISAAC observes the Galactic Centre