Hard at work in the VLT control room

ESO Supernova Education Coordinator Wolfgang Vieser and students

De ondertekening van de contracten met SENER voor steuncellen van de spiegels M2 en M3 van de ELT

Party-goers gather outside the APEX Base Station

Agreement signed to build HARMONI spectrograph for the E-ELT

Julien Milli, first recipient of the Olivier Chesneau Prize

Korea Joins ALMA

Chilean ambassador to Germany, Mr. Jorge O’Ryan Schütz, during his visit to ESO Garching

Former Chilean President at an ESO exhibition

Participants at the conference Shaping E-ELT science and instrumentation

De Chileense president Sebastián Piñera en zijn echtgenote, Cecilia Morel, in de controlekamer van Paranal

La Silla inauguration

Signing the ESO CERN contract for collaboration

Shooting of fill us with fire video with erasure singer Andy Bell

Vienna Planetarium

Café & Kosmos: "The Big Bang in the Tunnel"

Joachim Krautter and Lodewijk Woltjer at the ESO stand at JENAM 2010

Magellanic Cloud Conference 2019

Representantes de Microsoft, Metric Arts y ESO reciben el premio de manos de ACTI