The globular star cluster NGC 6362 in the constellation of Ara (The Altar)

El evento se realizará entre el 16 y 18 de octubre en la localidad de San Pedro de Atacama

Alpha Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus (The Centaur)

The red giant star R Sculptoris in the constellation of Sculptor (The Sculptor)

The Thor’s Helmet Nebula (NGC 2359) in the constellation of Canis Major (The Great Dog)

ESO celebra 50 años en la Semana de la Ciencia a lo largo de Chile

ESO celebra 50 años en el Planetario de Santiago

Touring labs at CERN

Book cover "Europe to the Stars"

The Seagull Nebula on the borders of the constellations of Monoceros and Canis Major

Fachada del edificio central del CSIC

The Pencil Nebula in the southern constellation of Vela (The Sails)

A timeless sanctuary in Santiago (side-by-side composite)

The globular star cluster Messier 4 in the constellation of Scorpius

IRAS 16293-2422 in the constellation of Ophiuchus

Barnard 59, a dark nebula in the constellation of Ophiuchus

The spiral galaxy NGC 1187 in the constellation of Eridanus

Position of the quasar 3C 279 in the constellation of Virgo

The location of the quasar HE 0109-3518

Cover of Annual Report 2011

The parent star of the famous exoplanet Tau Boötis b

The stellar nursery NGC 6357 in the constellation of Scorpius

Danish 0.5-metre telescope

Patiently waiting

Exoplanet press conference

Solar observing

Team photo

GalileoMobile by night

Budding astronomer



Contract signature with Interbeton

The ESO 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla

The 1-metre Schmidt telescope at La Silla

Copying plates at the Sky Atlas Laboratory

Coudé spectrograph and aluminising plant

The strange galaxy Centaurus A in the constellation of Centaurus

The globular star cluster Messier 55 in the constellation of Sagittarius

The star cluster NGC 6604 in the constellation of Serpens

The bright star Fomalhaut in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus

Swiss 0.4-metre telescope

Alistair McPherson named as E-ELT Project Manager

Meeting of the Scientific Programmes Committee

President Eduardo Frei Montalva at the La Silla inauguration

First light of one of the VLT Unit Telescopes

VLT first light

Reception at the Guesthouse

The La Silla aluminising plant in 1969

Illustration of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

Prince Philippe of Belgium

Prince Philippe of Belgium

Raymond Wilson

Christoph Malin

Diagram showing the position of Barnard 211 and Barnard 213 in Taurus

The star formation region NGC 3324 in the constellation of Carina (The Keel)

Babak A. Tafreshi

The position of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South in the constellation of Fornax

First light for the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

The Helix Nebula in the constellation of Aquarius

Poster of Café & Kosmos 10 January 2012

50 years of reaching new heights in astronomy

The ESO 50th anniversary logo

Your historical ESO Pictures

ESO Calendar 2012

Messenger issue 146

Poster of Café & Kosmos 21 December 2011

The galaxy NGC 253 in the constellation of Sculptor

A unusual double star in the constellation of Lepus

Astronomy podcast now in multiple languages

Photographer Fred Kamphues

The Carina Nebula in the constellation of Carina

The Antennae galaxies in the constellation of Corvus

Antennae galaxies composite of ALMA and Hubble observations

The Fried Egg Nebula in the constellation of Scorpius

The Running Chicken Nebula in the constellation of Centaurus

ESO kiosks

ESO stand at the Astroday 2011

Poster: Café & Kosmos - From ghostly neutrinos to active galactic nuclei: latest results in the field of astroparticles

The star cluster NGC 2100 in the constellation of Dorado

The Eyes in the constellation of Virgo

Gems logo

The spiral galaxy NGC 3521 in the constellation of Leo

The triplet of galaxies Messier 65, Messier 66 and NGC 3628 in the constellation of Leo

Superbubble in the constellation of Dorado

The Bavarian Minister of Finance visits ESO Headquarters

The COSMOS field in the constellation of Sextans

Planetarium of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile

The constellation Ophiuchus, showing the Rho Ophiuchi star formation region

ALMA Community Days

The historical Manuel Foster Observatory in Santiago

Chilean National Week of Science 2006

Chilean National Week of Science 2006

TWAN in San Pedro de Atacama

TWAN in Antofagasta

ALMA model in Taltal

ESO exhibition in Taltal

The Paranal Fire Brigade

Delegation from the University of Liège at Paranal

Honorary Consuls from Antofagasta visit Paranal

Joerg Eschwey’s farewell

Noticias del Universo in Antofagasta

Astronomy Hall at the Science and Technology Museum

Signature of the agreement between DGAC and ESO

Media training for ESO Astronomers

ESO at AstroDay 2009

ESO stand at the Italian School in Santiago

Kueyen is opening

ESO Science Coffee at Vitacura

VLT 3D model at Taltal

The star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion

The star-forming region Messier 17 in the constellation of Sagittarius

The globular star cluster Omega Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus

The spiral galaxy NGC 6744 in the constellation of Pavo

The Meathook Galaxy, NGC 2442, in the constellation of Volans

NGC 3169 and NGC 3166 in the constellation of Sextans

NGC 3582 in the constellation of Carina

The star cluster and nebula NGC 371 in the constellation of Tucana

Star formation in the constellation of Corona Australis

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

NGC 247 in the constellation of Cetus

The young star T Cha in the constellation of Chamaeleon

Evening at the Paranal Observatory (13 April 1998)

World's largest mirror approaches "first light" (16 April 1998)

Aerial view of Paranal (15 April 1998)

Interferometry will produce the sharpest images (1998)

The summit platform (1997)

The Paranal Basecamp (1997)

A lonely outpost in the desert (1997)

Final tests of the VLT main telescope structure (1997)

ESO and Chile sign agreement (1996)

Polishing the first VLT main mirror (1995)

Casting the world's first 8-m mirror (1991)

Messier 78: a reflection nebula in Orion

The Free Portal To The Universe app

Screenshot of the free Portal to the Universe app

NGC 3621 in the constellation of Hydra

Hamburg-Bergedorf Observatory

The jewel in Orion’s sword

The winners of ESO’s Hidden Treasures 2010 competition

Cover of CAPjournal issue 10

Poster: Ha Nacido una Estrella

The star formation region Messier 8 in the constellation of Sagittarius

The globular star cluster Messier 107 in the constellation of Ophiuchus


A galactic collision in the constellation of Aquarius

Cover of CAPjournal issue 9

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 06

Star formation in the constellation of Monoceros

ESO’s Hidden Treasures — An astronomical images competition

Cover of The Messenger No. 141

NGC 300 in the constellation of Sculptor

Digitized Sky Survey image of the star T Leporis

Photonic crystal optical fibres

ALMA Digitizer prototype undergoing testing

Assembly of the ESO 1-metre telescope

Assembling the ESO 1-metre telescope

ALMA office

ESO highlights in 2009

Final review meeting of the study of the ELT instrument MICADO- 1.12.2009

Final review meeting of the study of the ELT instrument MICADO- 1.12.2009

Final review meeting of the study of the ELT instrument MICADO- 1.12.2009

ESO workshop on 20 Years of Adaptive Optics

ESO workshop on 20 Years of Adaptive Optics

Paranal Residencia

Paranal Residencia

ESO Summer School 2004

Paranal Residencia

Helsinki Space Exhibition 2003

Paranal Residencia

EURO-VO conference June 2005

VLT M1 mirror

ESO workshop on High Resolution Spectroscopy 2003

Image from Cosmic Origins

VLT M1 mirror

IYA meeting at ESO March 2007

Helsinki Space Exhibition 2003

VLT1 02 – Dez2000

Helsinki Space Exhibition 2003

OECD Astronomy workshop December 2003

IYA meeting at ESO March 2007


Fellow Symposium 2009

Polishing the VLT mirror

Active optics for the VLT mirrror

IAU's 26th General Assembly 2006

IFA in Utrecht 2007

ESO workshop April 2005

Paranal workshop

OECD Astronomy workshop December 2003

IAU's 26th General Assembly 2006

IAU's 26th General Assembly 2006

IAU's 26th General Assembly 2006

XXIII IAU General Assembly

Paranal Residencia

Paranal Residencia

Astrophotographer Serge Brunier

DSS + insert, annotated

A Universe of Discoveries

Close-up on MWC 147

NGC 7173, 7174, and 7176

Catch a Star logo

Luces del infinito. Develando los colores del universo

Ciencia entretenida llega a San Pedro

Velocity variations of Gliese 581

School students "Catch a Star"!

The light curve of SN1987A

Season's Greetings A Happy New Year!

Spectrum of GRB 060614

Evolution of comet Tempel 1 (FORS2/VLT)

Ministra de Educación de Holanda visita observatorios de la ESO en la II Región

Mid-IR spectra of inner and outer discs around three young stars

Massive cluster of galaxies RXCJ1206.2-0848

Provisional names of Titan surface features

OECD Global Science Forum's Astronomy workshop

CN emission in comet LINEAR (C/2000 WM1)

High-resolution spectrum of the star HD100623

Spectrum of Virgo intracluster HII region

Spectra of stars with different metal content

Celebrating at the ESO/ST-ECF Science Archive Facility

First light of the VLT

Proper motions of TWA-5 A and B

Lithium in a metal-poor Halo Star

ESO 1999 PR retrospective

i Horologii - radial velocity variations

(V-I) colour index in NGC 1232

Spectrum of quasar Q0103-260

An extremely red galaxy

UVES spectrum of the Sun

VLT UT1 First Light poster

The strange lightcurve of asteroid (3671) Dionysus

First extra-galactic SiO maser

Young astronomers observe with ESO Telescopes

A galaxy at the edge of the Universe

ESO logo

Trans-plutonian minor planet 1993 FW

Minor planet (4015) / comet Wilson–Harrington