ELT mirror testing

Dome assembling operation of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope and the Coudé Auxiliary Telescope

Building the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

An early model of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

Screenshot of the back in time iPad app

Simulation of gas cloud approaching the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way

Platform lift at Paranal MMB

McNeil's Nebula in Messier 78

Assembly of first European ALMA antenna

Assembly of first European ALMA antenna

Gallery of exoplanets with retrograde orbits (artist's impression)

An ALMA antenna on the plateau of Chajnantor

Small part of the K20 Field showing the z=1.9 elliptical galaxy

The starburst galaxy He2-10 at 11.3μm

Near-infrared flare from Galactic Centre (lightcurve)

3-D plot of HIC 69495 images (without and with AO correction)

The heavily obscured centre of Centaurus A

ISAAC spectrum of the centre of Centaurus A