Installation of the VLT UT3 centrepiece

Installation of M1 cell with dummy mirror on VLT UT2

Installation of the VLT UT3 centrepiece

ESO Coudé Auxiliary Telescope (CAT)

3D rendering of the METIS instrument inside the ELT enclosure

Culpeo at La Silla

The Skull Nebula in the constellation of Cetus (The Whale)

Wide-field view of the region of the sky where the Kinman Dwarf galaxy is located

ESO Education Coordinator Wolfgang Vieser and students

ESO Supernova Education Coordinator Wolfgang Vieser and students

The ESO Council at its 150th Meeting

In the Shadow of the Black Hole (Portrait Poster)

Resolving stars in NGC 300

Milky Way at the Residencia (Equirectangular)

Supermassive black hole with torn-apart star (artist’s impression)

CASPEC's echelle grating

The HELIOS instrument at the ESO 3.6-metre telescope in Chile

Details of the MATISSE interferometric instrument

Screenshot of ESOcast 133

The star U Ant in the constellation of Antlia (The Air Pump)

Example of a jellyfish galaxy

ESO’s Paranal and Armazones sites are connected to the Chilean national electricity grid

ALMA and the Milky Way Galaxy