The nucleus of comet Wirtanen

An infrared portrait of the barred spiral galaxy Messier 83

The disk around Iota Horologii

The 17-mag eclipsing binary system NN Ser

Dwarf galaxy Antlia

First rotation period of a Kuiper Belt Object measured

First ESO image of new comet 1998 P1

First ESO image of new comet 1998 P1

VLT quick views of spacecraft targets

VLT quick views of spacecraft targets

The unusual tails of comet Hale-Bopp

The unusual tails of comet Hale-Bopp

Cellule de soutien du M5 chez Sener

Vue à grand champ de la région du ciel autour de la nébuleuse NGC 6164/6165

Assemblage d'une capsule froide d'un récepteur de la bande 2 d'ALMA