Structure 3D de l'atmosphère de l'exoplanète Tylos (étiquetée)

Structure 3D de l'atmosphère de l'exoplanète Tylos

i Horologii - radial velocity variations

Young astronomers observe with ESO Telescopes

Observation par le VLT de la courbe de lumière de TRAPISTT-1 au cours du triple transit survenu le 11 décembre 2015

Measurements of HD 40307

Phase folded measurements of HD 69830

HD 80606: a giant planet in an extremely elongated orbit

Formation process of the planetary system around HD 69830

Lithium-6 in HD 82943

Radial velocity measurements of HD 69830

Near-infrared spectrum of the brown dwarf object 2M1207 and GPCC

Radial velocity curve of Gliese 581 (HARPS/3.6m)

Positions of 2M1207A and of its companion

Spectrum of the companion of GQ Lupi

Observed separation between GQ Lupi and its companion