Brown dwarf swallowed by red giant

MUSE:n havainnot ja taiteilijan näkemys nuoresta HH 1177-tähtijärjestelmästä

Taiteilijan näkemys tähteä HD 142527 ympäröivistä kiekosta ja kaasuvirtauksista

Ruskea kääpiö ISO-Oph 102

Laajan näkökentän näkymä Linnunradasta, käsittäen VISTA:n gigapikselikuvan koko alan

Artist’s impression of the fastest rotating star (artist’s impression)

Planet around Beta Pictoris (annotated)

3-D plot of the artificially dimmed star HIC 74324 (without and with AO correction)

The daily motion of the S2 star as seen with GRAVITY

The constellation of Cassiopeia over a thunderstorm

Wide-field view of part of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the remarkable double star OGLE-LMC-CEP0227

Digitized sky survey image of the Eagle Nebula

Wide-field view of the region of the sky where Betelgeuse is located

R Aquarii In the constellation Aquarius

The magnificent Carina Nebula

ALMA and VLT views of an explosion in Orion

ALMA image of the protoplanetary disc around V883 Orionis (annotated)