Browse topics:

Exploring the Universe at the Highest Energies

The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory

Rory Harris
7. juli 2023

It takes a village…

The complex journey from an idea to a final astronomical image

Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos
10. juni 2022

VLTI, your (birth) story goes on!

Giulio Mazzolo
5. november 2021

Blow out your twenty candles, VLTI!

How the sharpest optical eyes on the sky opened for the first time

Giulio Mazzolo
29. oktober 2021

Ten years exploring the cold dark universe

Reminiscing about the first days of ALMA

Thea Elvin
8. oktober 2021

Alien worlds on Earth

Exploring the landscapes around ESO’s observatories

Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos
13. august 2021

Stunning images and fantastic discoveries

Ten years of the VLT Survey Telescope

Thea Elvin
4. juni 2021

A date with a formidable science machine

An ESO Fellow on what it’s like to use the Very Large Telescope to discover more about the Universe

Cyrielle Opitom
20. september 2019

The mystery of the darkening sky

A story of solar eclipses throughout history

Nicole Shearer
12. juli 2019

Home sweet home

How to decide where a telescope should spend its life

Interview with: Marc Sarazin and Julio Navarrete
28. juni 2019

Concealing the Cosmos

Why light pollution makes it difficult for astronomers to observe on location

Eleanor Spring
29. marts 2019

13 of our favourite astronomical photos

Sharing Your ESO Pictures with the world

Nicole Shearer
8. marts 2019

Planning for the Unplannable

What it takes to run ESO’s scientific cities in the Atacama Desert

Interview with: Christian Muckle
2. november 2018

Towards an Ecological and Sustainable ESO

How ESO reduces its environmental footprint to limit its impact on the Chilean desert

Interview with: Christine Desbordes
19. oktober 2018

Martian Crater or Chilean Commune?

Taltal: Mapuche culture preserved in a red planet scar

Rosa Jesse and Nicole Shearer
5. oktober 2018

It’s Full of Stars

Henri Boffin on ESO’s collaboration in the Gaia mission

Interview with: Henri Boffin
25. maj 2018

A Night in the Life of an Astronomer

Interview with: Anita Zanella
13. april 2018

Breathless Science

How ALMA staff adapt to working at high altitude

Interview with: Iván López
16. marts 2018

How to build a giant telescope

A conversation with Roberto Tamai, the ELT Programme Manager

Interview with: Roberto Tamai
27. oktober 2017

Behind the scenes of the Adaptive Optics Facility

Interview with: Harald Kuntschner and Robin Arsenault
15. september 2017
Resultater: 1-20 ud af 20