First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

SEST at La Silla

SEST at La Silla

The first three ALMA antennas at the Array Operations Site (AOS) on Chajnantor*

APEX image calendar, October 2010 — Sun avoidance*

The cosmic bat — NGC 1788

Star-forming region NGC 346

The Extremely Large Telescope

The hidden fires of the Flame Nebula (full frame)

Comet McNaught over AT

Milky Way above the VLT platform

Adding an “artificial” star to the multitude in the sky

Milky Way over Paranal

Paranal Observatory