Target of Opportunity Proposals in Period 92
This list of OPC approved Target of Opportunity Proposals (ToOs) is updated every observing period. The ESO ToO Policy is available from a separate document. Please note that when activating the observations, the ToO requests have to be fully documented, indicating the trigger of the requested observations. Observing time is only granted up to the indicated maximum of allocated time.
092.D-0043 |
Pian, Della Valle, Mazzali, Bufano, Chincarini, Amati, Antonelli, Baade, Benetti, Bersier, Campana, Cappellaro, Castro-Tirado, DÁvanzo, D'Elia, Deng, Ferrero, Filippenko, Fruchter, Fynbo, Gilmozzi, Goldoni, Gorosabel, Greiner, Guidorzi, Hjorth, Hurley, Kawabata, Klose, Levan, Maeda, Malesani, Marconi, Masetti, Matheson, Melandri, Moller, Nomoto, Palazzi, Patat, Piranomonte, Salvaterra, Sollerman, Starling, Stella, Tagliaferri, Tanaka, Tanvir, Valenti, Vergani, Vietri, Wiersema, Wijers: 'A facet of massive stars final fate: asymmetric core-collapse and long Gamma-ray Bursts' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
FORS2 | 12.0 h |
B |
FORS2 | 6.0 h |
092.D-0056 |
Rau, Greiner, Akerlof, Cenko, Schmidt, Elliott, Gruber, Kann, Klose, Kruehler, McBreen, Nicuesa Guelbenzu, Rapoport, Rossi, Savaglio, Schady, Schmidl, von Kienlin, Zheng: 'Redshift determination of bright \textit{Fermi} GRBs: probing the emission mechanism and circumburst environments.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 1.5 h |
B |
FORS2 | 1.5 h |
092.D-0089 |
Kann, Nicuesa Guelbenzu, Klose, Greiner, Krühler, Rossi, Rau, Schady, Filgas, Elliot, Knust, Afonso, Olivares E., Schmidl, Nardini, Varela: 'Uncovering a new Domain: RRM Observations of the Early Afterglows of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
FORS2 | 1.0 h |
B |
FORS2 | 1.0 h |
092.A-0124 |
Fynbo, Antonelli, Cano, Christensen, Covino, DÁvanzo, De Cia, D'Elia, Fiore, Flores, Friis, Groot, Goldoni, Hammer, Hartoog, Hjorth, Jakobsson, Kaper, Krühler, Ledoux, Leloudas, Levan, Maiorano, Malesani, Melandri, Milvang-Jensen, Palazzi, Pian, Piranomonte, Schaye, Schulze, Sollerman, Sparre, Tagliaferri, Tanvir, Thöne, de Ugarte Postigo, Vergani, Vreeswijk, Watson, Wiersema, Wijers, Xu: 'The \textit{Swift} GRB afterglow legacy survey: Probing the hearts of star-forming galaxies through cosmic time' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 12.0 h |
B |
XSHOOTER | 4.0 h |
C |
HAWKI | 2.5 h |
092.D-0174 |
Leloudas, de Ugarte Postigo, Gorosabel, Malesani, Maund, Patat, Sollerman, Wheeler: 'Polarimetry of a super-luminous Supernova.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
FORS2 | 7.0 h |
092.C-0186 |
Sicardy, Doressoundiram, Lellouch, Ribas, Roques, Widemann, Colas, Assafin, Andrei, Camargo, Vieira Martins, Silva Neto, Dumas, Ivanov, Ortiz, Jehin: 'Target of Opportunity Observations: measuring the size of transneptunian objects and detecting their atmospheres by stellar occultations' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
ISAAC | 3.0 h |
B |
SOFI | 4.5 h |
092.D-0211 |
Greiner, Bertoldi, Menten, Weiss, Rau, Krühler, Schady, Klose, Moin, Tingay, Wieringa: 'Testing the GRB fireball model' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
LABOCA | 24.0 h |
092.D-0325 |
de Ugarte Postigo, Muñoz Darias, Campana, Gorosabel, Casares, Covino, DÁvanzo, Rodriguez-Gil, Fynbo, Thöne: 'Spectroscopy of an active magnetar' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
HAWKI | 1.0 h |
B |
XSHOOTER | 5.0 h |
092.B-0398 |
Gillessen, Genzel, Eisenhauer, Ott, Pfuhl, Fritz: 'Watching the gas cloud G2 disrupt as it passes the massive black hole in the Galactic Centre' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
SINFONI | 4.0 h |
B |
SINFONI | 8.0 h |
092.A-0533 |
Hjorth, Rodney, Frederiksen: 'Frontier Field Supernova Spectroscopy' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 9.0 h |
092.D-0555 |
Smartt, Inserra, Jerkstrand, Nicholl, Valenti, McCrum, Fraser, Kotak, Chen, Wright, Bresolin, Rest, Margheim: '“Super-luminous” optical transients : giant supernovae in dwarf galaxies' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 1.0 h |
B |
XSHOOTER | 1.0 h |
C |
XSHOOTER | 2.0 h |
D |
XSHOOTER | 2.0 h |
092.B-0626 |
Feltzing, Johnson, Asplund, Bensby, Gould, Lucatello, Meléndez, Yee: 'Ages in the Galactic bulge - using micro-lensed dwarf stars to probe the age structure and other properties of the central sub-kpc of the Galaxy.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
UVES | 2.4 h |
B |
UVES | 2.4 h |
C |
UVES | 2.4 h |
D |
UVES | 2.4 h |
E |
UVES | 2.4 h |
092.D-0633 |
Greiner, Tanvir, Bersier, Bremer, Castro-Tirado, Elliott, Fynbo, Gorosabel, Haiman, Hartmann, Hjorth, Jakobsson, Kann, Klose, Krühler, Levan, Malesani, Nardini, Nicuesa, Pian, Rau, Savaglio, Schady, Schmidl, Starling, Sudilovsky, Tanga, Updike, Varela, Watson, Wiersema, Wijers: 'Probing the very early Universe with high-redshift GRBs' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
ISAAC | 4.0 h |
B |
SINFONI | 3.0 h |
C |
HAWKI | 4.0 h |
D |
FORS2 | 3.0 h |
E |
XSHOOTER | 3.0 h |
092.D-0645 |
Gall, Hjorth, Stritzinger, Leloudas, Malesani, Maund, Watson: 'Dust extinction curves of bright supernovae' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 5.2 h |
B |
XSHOOTER | 2.0 h |
092.D-0686 |
Sternberg, Patat, Benetti, Cappellaro, Chandra, Chevalier, Cox, Hillebrandt, Justham, Mazzali, Nomoto, Pastorello, Podsiadlowski, Renzini, Turatto: 'An Ongoing Effort to Uncover the Nature of Type Ia Supernovae Progenitors' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Max. Time Allocated |
A |
UVES | 20.0 h |