jP2PP Templates -- A quick Reference

The general file name is of the form <ImageName>#.fits  where

  • <ImageName> is listed in column 2 below
  • # is a running index (blank for the first file of that type, ".1" for the second file, ".2" for the third file, etc)
Acquisition Template Image Name Description
EFOSC_img_acq_Preset No image The telescope does a blind pointing to the field
EFOSC_img_acq_MoveToPixel EFOSC_AcqSlit To position the required object/position on the sky on a predefined pixel on the CCD for subsequent imaging
EFOSC_img_acq_MoveToSlit EFOSC_AcqSlit To position the required object/position on the sky on a predefined pixel along a slit for subsequent spectroscopy
EFOSC_img_acq_RotateToSlit EFOSC_AcqRotSlit To align 2 objects/positions on the sky on predefined pixels along a slit for subsequent spectroscopy of both
EFOSC_img_acq_Polarimetry EFOSC_AcqPol To position the required object/position on the sky on a predefined pixel on the CCD for subsequent linear (half-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_acq_QWPolarimetry EFOSC_AcqPol To position the required object/position on the sky on a predefined pixel on the CCD for subsequent cicular (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_acq_MOS EFOSC_AcqMOS To align the slits on a MOS plate with the corresponding objects on the sky
Observation/Science Template Image Name Description
EFOSC_img_obs_Image EFOSC_Image Standard Imaging
EFOSC_img_obs_ImageJit EFOSC_ImaJit Imaging with the telescope moved between images
EFOSC_img_obs_Polarimetry EFOSC_ImaPol Linear (half-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_obs_QWPolarimetry EFOSC_ImaPol Circular (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_obs_Coronography EFOSC_ImaCor Coronographic imaging
EFOSC_spec_obs_Spectrum EFOSC_Spectrum Long slit spectroscopy
EFOSC_spec_obs_MOS EFOSC_MOS Multi-object spectroscopy
EFOSC_spec_obs_Polarimetry EFOSC_SpecPol Long slit linear (half-wave plate) spectropolarimetry
EFOSC_spec_obs_QWPolarimetry EFOSC_SpecPol Long slit circular (quarter-wave plate) spectropolarimetry
Calibration Template Image Name Description
EFOSC_img_cal_FocusSequence EFOSC_FocSeq Focussing the telescope with a Focus Sequence
EFOSC_img_cal_FocusWithWedge EFOSC_FocWedge Focussing the telescope with a Focus Wedge
EFOSC_img_cal_Darks EFOSC_Dark Biases and Dark current frames
EFOSC_img_cal_Flats EFOSC_FlatIma Dome Flats - Imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_SkyFlats EFOSC_FlatSkyIma Sky Flats - Imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_PolarFlats EFOSC_FlatPolIma Dome Flats - Linear (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_QWPolarFlats EFOSC_FlatPolIma Dome Flats - Circular (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_PolarSkyFlats EFOSC_FlatSkyPolIma Sky Flats - Linear (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_QWPolarSkyFlats EFOSC_FlatSkyPolIma Sky Flats - Circular (quarter-wave plate) polarimetric imaging
EFOSC_img_cal_IntImage EFOSC_ImaInt Internal Flats - Imaging
EFOSC_spec_cal_Arcs EFOSC_Spec_HeAr Helium - Argon Arc Lamps - Spectroscopy Wavelength Calibration
EFOSC_spec_cal_ArcsMOS EFOSC_Spec_HeArMOS Helium - Argon Arc Lamps - Multi-Object Spectroscopy Wavelength Calibration
EFOSC_spec_cal_Flats EFOSC_FlatSpec Dome/Sky Flats - Spectroscopy
EFOSC_spec_cal_PolarFlats EFOSC_FlatPolSpec Dome/Sky Flats - Linear (half-wave plate) spectropolarimetry
EFOSC_spec_cal_QWPolarFlats EFOSC_FlatPolSpec Dome/Sky Flats - Circular (quarter-wave plate) spectropolarimetry
EFOSC_spec_cal_IntFlats EFOSC_FlatIntSpec Internal Flats - Spectroscopy
EFOSC_spec_cal_ArcFF -- Arcs followed by dome flats - used by CALOB, not of use to visitors