Guidelines for Posters

If you have been assigned a poster presentation, please note the following guidelines:

We will provide a space to present the posters electronically.

• Generally, online posters should be delivered to us in PDF format. Please upload the PDF file at the link provided via e-mail. 

The easiest way to create these file formats is to:
-  Prepare the poster as usually in Keynote, PowerPoint, or any other application you want to use.
-  Export to PDF. PDF slides can be A0 format, as usual, or any other format that you do find readable on a
-  Only one page per poster and with a maximum size of 50 MB will be accepted. This is the easiest to share and view on Zenodo. This file will get a unique DOI, making it citable, so it is in your interest that the file is indeed readable.
• Avoid uploading multiple versions of your poster in PDF. When you finish creating your PDF, please check the following:
-  Is your poster PDF saved with the .PDF file extension?
-  Is your file size less than 50 MB?
-  Do all your graphs, pictures, and tables include explanations?
-  Are your text color and size easy to read on screen?