Travel Information

Buses from Santiago to Pucón

Terminal de Buses San Borja (San Borja 235, Estación Central, Santiago)

There are two bus lines going to Pucón from this terminal:
Tur-Bus, Premium, from 9:00 PM onwards (two buses): Santiago - Temuco - Villarrica - Pucón. Price: CLP$30.000
Pullman Bus, Salon-cama, from 7:00 PM onwards (three buses): Santiago - Temuco - Villarrica - Pucón. Price: CLP$16.000

Terminal Alameda (Alameda 3750, Estación Central, Santiago)

Premium, 9:30 PM and 9:50 PM: Santiago - Temuco - Villarrica - Pucón. Price: CLP$30.000
Salón cama, 8:45 AM, 11:00 PM, 11:20 PM and 11:45 PM. Price: CLP$22.200

Please note that prices and schedules may vary