European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Announcement of 3mm VLBI in ALMA Cycle 5

Published: 19 Jan 2017

It is expected that phased ALMA will participate in some GMVA observations (GMVA) during ALMA Cycle 5 (Oct 1 2017 - Sept 30 2018; see the ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement). Any GMVA proposal requesting phased ALMA during Cycle 5 must be submitted by the 1 February 2017 deadline; see the proposal call.

Availability of ALMA Solar SV Data

Published: 19 Jan 2017

The latest release of ALMA Science Verification (SV) data will contain observations of the Sun obtained during the Solar commissioning campaigns in 2014 and 2015. The release contains mosaics and single pointing observations in quiet and active solar regions at Band 3 and 6 with the 12-metre, 7-metre and total power arrays. The data are available under ALMA Science Portal SV.

RadioNet: Calls for financial support - OPEN

Published: 16 Jan 2017

RadioNet is a consortium of 28 institutions in Europe, the Republic of Korea and South Africa, integrating at European level world-class infrastructures for research in radio astronomy. RadioNet has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562, in order to perform a comprehensive, innovative and ambitious suite of actions that fosters a sustainable research environment.

ALMA Archive and the Imaging Pipeline Workshop

Published: 09 Jan 2017

Announcement from the Italian Node
24–25 January 2017 - IRA Osservatorio di Radioastronomia Bologna, Italy

The Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Center is pleased to announce a 1.5-day workshop dedicated to members of the ARC network, on the archive and the imaging pipeline in Bologna on the 24th-25th of January.

MARCUs funding available in 2017

Published: 07 Jan 2017

Starting this year, funding will be available again for travel to one of the European ALMA Regional Centre nodes  in Europe, for ALMA users who need face-to-face support for their ALMA projects. Users wishing to apply for MARCUs funding should fill out the form in addition to submitting a Helpdesk ticket that is required to arrange the ARC node visit. Face-to-face visits to ARC nodes can be arranged for assistance with data reduction, proposal preparation, and archive research projects.

Measuring Star Formation in the Radio, Millimetre, and Submillimetre

Published: 22 Dec 2016

Announcement From UK Node

Conference: Measuring Star Formation in the Radio, Millimetre and Submillimetre: 24-26 July 2017, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Registration is now open.  The abstract submission deadline is 14 April 2017, and the registration deadline is 15 May 2017.  To register, please use the form at

ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement

Published: 16 Dec 2016

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 5) in October 2017. A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 5 will be issued in March 2017, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2017. This pre-­announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 5 proposal call that are needed to plan proposals.

Details about the Cycle 5 Pre-annoucnement can be found in the ALMA Science Portal.

Summary of ALMA Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Published: 16 Dec 2016

This document summarises the final statistics related to ALMA Cycle 1 and 2 of Early Science observations, including the data reduction and delivery statistics. It includes publications statistics which show the overarching interest of the astronomy community in ALMA and the high quality of the delivered data.

The document is available as PDF and can be downloaded via the ALMA Science Portal.

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Showing 297 to 304 of 354 announcements