ALMA Archive School 2022
The European Network of the ALMA Regional Centre is pleased to announce the
ALMA Science Archive School
Italian ARC node headquarters,
Area della Ricerca Campus, Bologna
5-7 October 2022
The school will present an overview of the ALMA Science Archive, of the most advanced tools to exploit the archive content for science, and a discussion of possible tricks to address mining issues.
The event is targeted to astronomers with an interest in ALMA archival research and a basic understanding of interferometry.
For this reason lectures and tutorials will be combined with discussion and support sessions to address participants’ requests, offered by members of the European ARC network.
Software Requirements
A full overview of the software requirements to best participate in the ALMA Archive school is provided on the Software Requirements page
Final Program
Wednesday October 5 |
Time | Topic |
09:00 |
Welcome and logistics |
09:30 |
Introduction to interferometry and ALMA |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
ALMA Science Archive basics |
12:00 |
ALMA Science Archive content |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 18:00 |
Hands-on session on archival queries (including coffee break) |
Thursday October 6 |
Time | Topic |
09:30 |
ALMA Calibration basics |
10:45 |
Coffee break |
11:15 |
ALMA Imaging basics |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 17:30 |
Hands-on session on CARTA (including coffee break) |
Friday October 7 |
Time | Topic |
09:30 |
Advanced tips and tricks with ALMA archival data |
10:00 |
Q&A session |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Tutored hands-on session on participant’s or general science cases |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 17:00 |
Continuing morning activities (including coffee break) |

The Opticon Radionet Pilot (ORP) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719.
The ALMA Archive School organised by the European ARC network receives funding from the Opticon Radionet Pilot (ORP)