A spectroscopic survey with MOSAIC will enable the mapping of the IGM in the distant, young Universe

Dark matter map of KiDS survey region (region G15)

ALMA observation of distant galaxy MACS 1149-JD1

A Wide-field view of the sky around a field studied in the MASSIV survey

Highlights of VISTA’s deep infrared view of the COSMOS field

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012

Two methods of measuring the mass of a galaxy

A wide-field view of the area around the Abell 901/902 supercluster

A supernova explodes 5 billion years ago

ALMA deep view of part of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

The Einstein Cross

MUSE goes beyond Hubble in the Hubble Deep Field South

MUSE stares at the Hubble Deep Field South

Hubble Deep Field South — Multiple windows on the Universe

NTT deep field image of "empty" sky

Merging galaxies in the distant Universe through a gravitational magnifying glass

Photometric redshift of extremely red galaxy

A glimpse into the time before quasars were born

Spectrum of the optical counterpart of GRB 000131