Globular Cluster NGC 6712

Vidvinkelvy av himlen kring den ljusa stjärnhopen NGC 3532

Visible/infrared comparison views of the newly discovered globular cluster VVV CL001

A Hubble gem: the Jewel Box

Vidvinkelvy av himlen runt den ljusa stjärnhopen NGC 2367

VISTA view of the newly discovered open star cluster VVV CL003 beyond the galactic centre

The brilliant star VFTS 682 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (annotated)

The importance of high resolution

VISTA view of the newly discovered globular cluster VVV CL002 close to the centre of the Milky Way

Vidvinkelbild av den öppna stjärnhopen NGC 2547

Vidvinkelvy av omgivning runt stjärnhopen Messier 18

Wide Field Imager image of Westerlund 1 (annotated)

NGC 2477

Klothopen NGC 6388, observerad av NASA/ESA:s rymdteleskop Hubble

Vidvinkelbild av himlen runt klothopen Messier 55

Oxygen and Carbon abundances in blue straggler stars

Stellar cluster and star-forming region M 17 (annotated)

Banner of The Messenger’s new digital home

Digitized Sky Survey image around the stellar cluster RCW 38

Vidvinkelbild av natthimlen kring klothopen Messier 54

Wide-field view of the newly discovered globular cluster VVV CL001

Small field near centre of Omega Centauri (3.6m)

Globular cluster Centauri observed with the ESO NTT

Unexplained brightening of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae

Raw image from the FLAMES instrument on the VLT

Raw image from the FLAMES instrument on the VLT

Vidvinkelvy av himlen omkring stjärnhopen NGC 6604

Stjärnhopen NGC 2367 i stjärnbilden i Canis Major

Stjärnhopen Messier 67 i stjärnbilden Kräftan

Klothopen NGC 6362 i stjärnbilden Altaret

Den klotformiga stjärnhopen Messier 4 i stjärnbilden Skorpionen

Stjärnhopen NGC 6604 i stjärnbilden Ormen

The star cluster NGC 2100 in the constellation of Dorado

Spectrum of white dwarf stars in NGC 6397

FORS1 at the VLT UT1: first spectra

Light curve of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae

The central region of globular cluster Messier 4

Omega Centauri tracking test