The Omega Centauri globular cluster and the area surveyed

Image of the Omega Centauri globular cluster from the the Digital Sky Survey (left). The image covers a region of 2.1 x 1.1 degrees on the sky, illustrating the very large extent of this cluster of stars. The right image is the ACS exposure taken with the Hubble Space Telescope which the astronomers used to detect and study the two distinct populations of hydrogen core-burning stars. The position of the ACS field with respect to the full globular cluster is shown as the red box. This field was chosen to lie in the outskirts of the cluster in order to ensure that there won't be any "crowding" problems and that there would be only one star in each FLAMES/VLT fiber.



Sobre a imagem

Data de divulgação:15 de Março de 2005
Notícias relacionadas:eso0509
Tamanho:4364 x 2020 px

Sobre o objeto

Nome:NGC 5139, Omega Centauri
Tipo:Milky Way : Star : Grouping : Cluster : Globular
Distância:17000 anos-luz
Categoria:Star Clusters

Formatos de imagens

JPEG grande
381,2 KB

Cores e filtros

ÓpticoHubble Space Telescope
Digitized Sky Survey 2
Digitized Sky Survey 2

Notas: The right image was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. The left image is an excerpt from the Digital Sky Survey.