Transmisja na żywo z ESO

CAN PAK, winner of the EUCYS special prize for astronomy and space physics, donated by ESO

DG Tim de Zeeuw

Obserwacje VLT: krzywa zmian blasku TRAPPIST-1 podczas potrójnego tranzytu z 11 grudnia 2015 r.

Green power comes to La Silla

Wide-field view of the sky around the exotic binary star system AR Scorpii

Netherlands Foreign Minister visits Paranal

Wide-field view of the sky around the red giant star L2 Puppis

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"

Rick Astley during his visit to ESO Office in Santiago

Artist's impression of the Milky Way

Technology Division Office staff

Unpacking a VLT mirror after transportation

VLT mirror traveling by boat

Roundabout during VLT mirror transportation

Group photo of the REOSC team

Second meeting of the ESO Council at the Observatoire de Haute Provence