Szeroki widok na pole COSMOS
Efekt Suniajewa-Zeldowicza w protogromadzie Spiderweb
Mapa ciemnej materii z fragmentu przeglądu KiDS (obszar G12)
ALMA probes the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Merging galaxies in the distant Universe through a gravitational magnifying glass
Młode galaktyki w odległym Wszechświecie
Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst shining through two young galaxies in the early Universe
Chance discovery reveals star factories in the distant Universe
ALMA view of the 9io9 galaxy
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field seen with MUSE
ALMA witnesses assembly of galaxy in early Universe (annotated)
Międzygalaktyczna waga ciężka
El Gordo: a massive distant merging galaxy cluster
An infrared view of the 9io9 galaxy
The double firing burst (artist's impression)
Struktury wielkoskalowe
APEX view of the region around the Spiderweb galaxy
Colour-composite of the sky field with several High-Redshift galaxies
Młode galaktyki w odległym Wszechświecie (bez oznaczeń)
Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst shining through two young galaxies in the early Universe
FORS Deep Field near Q0103-260
Artist’s impression of a record-breaking fast radio burst