Web Updates

web11068 — 5 grudnia 2011

ESO timeline updated

The ESO timeline was updated.

web11066 — 24 listopada 2011

The ESO Calendar 2012 is online

web11065 — 16 listopada 2011

New ALMA time-lapse videos online

web11064 — 16 listopada 2011

ESO flyers in English and Spanish updated

web11063 — 9 listopada 2011

New ESO Photo Ambassador: José Joaquín Pérez

web11062 — 9 listopada 2011

E-ELT handout updated

web11060 — 27 października 2011

Now online: videos showing the ALMA first antenna move

Videos recorded in 2008 and 2009 showing the ALMA first antenna move.

web11059 — 26 października 2011

ESO timeline updated

The ESO timeline, showing highlights and important events in the history of ESO, was just updated. 

web11058 — 22 września 2011

Your ESO Pictures new page

Information about the project "Your ESO Pictures".

web11057 — 7 września 2011

New ESO stickers available

web11056 — 7 września 2011

New APOD: A Star That Should Not Exist

"SDSS J102915+172927: A Star That Should Not Exist" is today's NASA APoD.

web11055 — 29 sierpnia 2011

Info about the ESO Open House Day is online

Information in English and German about the ESO Open House Day (15 October 2011) is online.

web11054 — 22 sierpnia 2011

The new Cosmic Gems Programme

To keep up the current flow of spectacular astronomical images, periodically released as Photo Releases and Pictures of the Week, ePOD has decided to launch a new initiative: the Cosmic Gems Programme. Reda more about it on this new page.

web11052 — 18 sierpnia 2011

New ALMA brochure available

A new set of brochures about the ALMA observatory is available online.

web11053 — 18 sierpnia 2011

New ALMA postcards available

A new set of postcards of the ALMA observatory is available in the ESOshop.

web11048 — 17 sierpnia 2011

REM Telescope new webcam

web11049 — 17 sierpnia 2011

VLT Blue Book 1987 online

Read about the proposal made by ESO for the construction of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) back in 1987.

web11050 — 17 sierpnia 2011

Users Manual 1980 online

Check the ESO user's manual for astronomers, published in 1980.

web11045 — 11 sierpnia 2011

New APOD: The Snows of Paranal

web11043 — 3 sierpnia 2011

New APOD: The Leo Triplet Galaxies from VST

web11042 — 2 sierpnia 2011

Messengers in the ESOshop

web11041 — 29 lipca 2011

New ALMA clips online

Fourteen new ALMA clips online.

web11039 — 27 lipca 2011


Check the information about the VIPs visiting our facilities!

web11040 — 27 lipca 2011

E-ELT brochures updated

Following the information in the announcement ann11034, the E-ELT brochures had their content updated.

web11038 — 20 lipca 2011

ESO boilerplates updated

The ESO boilerplates were updated.

web11036 — 15 lipca 2011

Danish mini-site updated

Many of the static pages of the Danish mini-site were updated.

web11037 — 15 lipca 2011

New information about media visits

The page about media visits has new and updated information.

web11035 — 12 lipca 2011

New page about the ESO Newsletters

Read about the ESO Newsletters: what they are and how to subscribe.

web11034 — 8 lipca 2011

ESO exhibitions page updated

Check out when and where ESO will have the next exhibitions!

web11033 — 3 lipca 2011

New APOD: Alpha Centauri: The Closest Star System

An ESO picture is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11032 — 30 czerwca 2011

New APOD: Star Factory Messier 17

Messier 17 is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11031 — 28 czerwca 2011

New APOD: Stardust and Betelgeuse

This remarkable high resolution composite, an infrared VLT image, is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11030 — 9 czerwca 2011

New APOD: The Great Carina Nebula

An ESO picture is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11029 — 8 czerwca 2011

VST new pages

The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is the largest telescope in the world designed for surveying the sky in visible light. Read more about it on this new web page.

web11027 — 1 czerwca 2011

Astronomy Communication Resources

The ESO education and Public Outreach Department (ePOD) supports science communicators, and especially those communicating astronomy with the public through different products and activities. This page gathers these resources together.

web11028 — 1 czerwca 2011

New APOD: Earth Rotating Under Very Large Telescopes

The video, originally produced by ESO Photo Ambassadors, was edited to show the Earth's movement and is today's  Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11026 — 31 maja 2011

New APOD: Jets from Unusual Galaxy Centaurus A

An ESO picture is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11025 — 19 maja 2011

New page for informal educators

New page with information for informal educators, with very useful links.

web11024 — 12 maja 2011

New ESO Logos available

Download the original files with the ESO logos in various formats and options.

web11023 — 9 maja 2011

New APOD: Wonder and Mystery above the Very Large Telescopes

An ESO picture is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web11022 — 5 maja 2011

ESO Partnerships

The achievements of ESO have been possible partly thanks to constant support from its partners. On these pages you can find more information about the partnerships that ESO has had, or continues to have, as well as the opportunities available for collaborations.

web11021 — 28 kwietnia 2011

ESO Top 10 Discoveries Presentation is available

A presentation with the Top 10 discoveries captured with ESO telescopes is now available for download.

web11020 — 21 kwietnia 2011

New footer on eso.org

Direct links to the mini-sites were added in the footer of www.eso.org.

web11019 — 21 kwietnia 2011

Mounted Images archive updated

The Mounted Images archive is now updated.

web11018 — 7 kwietnia 2011

ESO Media Visits page updated

ESO welcomes journalists, science writers and producers interested in visits to sites in Chile for production of news stories, documentaries, photo books and other projects. Read more about this topic on this page.

web11017 — 31 marca 2011

ESO Top 10 Science Discoveries

The webpage about the ESO Top 10 Science Discoveries is updated.

web11014 — 3 marca 2011

EiroForum flyer online

A flyer describing EIROforum, of which ESO is a member. For more information about EIROforum, please see http://www.eiroforum.org/

web11015 — 3 marca 2011

New Premises clips online

New clips about ESO Vitacura premises in Chile are online.

web11016 — 3 marca 2011

New ALMA clips online

New clips about ALMA Headquarters in Chile are online.

web11012 — 22 lutego 2011

More merchandise products added

More ESO merchandise products were added in the archive. Check the ESO glass cube.

web11013 — 22 lutego 2011

Conference poster online

Conference poster online "Formation and Early Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs".

web11011 — 18 lutego 2011

Historical VLT images

Historical images related with the "pre VLT first light" were added in the archive.

web11010 — 14 lutego 2011

New merchandise products available

More merchandise products added: plastic bag, folder VIP without notepad.

web11009 — 11 lutego 2011

Poster: "Fornax, Virgo, Coma et al" is online

The conference poster "Fornax, Virgo, Coma et al" is online.

web11008 — 9 lutego 2011

Merchandise Products

New ESO merchandise products were added in the archive: mugs, folder, pen. Check them online.

web11007 — 8 lutego 2011

Chilean maps

New Chilean maps added to the archive.

web11006 — 3 lutego 2011

New E-ELT Power Point presentation

New E-ELT Technical Presentation in ppt and pdf formats.

web11002 — 1 lutego 2011

ESO Timeline updated

The page with the most important ESO historical facts was updated.

web11003 — 1 lutego 2011

Bulk Prices added in the ESOshop

Now the bulk prices appear online for posters, postcards, books, CD-ROMs and DVDs.

web11004 — 1 lutego 2011

FAQ on Brazilian Flag

A new entry about the astronomy behind the Brazilian flag.

web11005 — 1 lutego 2011

Colour Gadget implemented

A new option in the advanced image search allows us to search images by their main colours.

web11001 — 27 stycznia 2011

APOD: Hidden Treasures of M78

An ESO picture is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

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