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Celebrations for the first light of the Four Laser Guide Star Facility on ESO’s VLT

On 26 April 2016 an event at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile marked the brilliant first light for the four powerful lasers that form a crucial part of the adaptive optics systems on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. Attendees were treated to a spectacular display of cutting-edge laser technology against the majestic skies of Paranal. These are the most powerful laser guide stars ever used for astronomy and mark the first use of multiple laser guide stars at ESO.

This picture shows some of the distinguished visitors to the event enjoying the celebrations.


ESO/F. Kamphues

About the Image

Release date:27 April 2016, 11:00
Related releases:eso1613
Size:3648 x 5481 px

About the Object

People and Events

Image Formats

Large JPEG
5.4 MB
Screensize JPEG
600.9 KB