![Pioneering astronomical watch reaches for the stars at Paranal](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/stars1111a.jpg)
Pioneering astronomical watch reaches for the stars at Paranal
![Astronomy Olympics reaches the Very Large Telescope](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/stars1109a.jpg)
Astronomy Olympics reaches the Very Large Telescope
![ALMA is taking shape at the AOS](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/dsc_0466-cc.jpg)
ALMA is taking shape at the AOS
![Screenshot from the HISTORY Channel’s series of short stories featuring ESO telescopes](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/ann11020a.jpg)
Screenshot from the HISTORY Channel’s series of short stories featuring ESO telescopes
![First planet of extragalactic origin (artist’s impression)](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1045a.jpg)
First planet of extragalactic origin (artist’s impression)
![A Solargraph taken from APEX at Chajnantor](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/potw1039a.jpg)
A Solargraph taken from APEX at Chajnantor