Einrahmen des Nachthimmels
Fischaugenansicht von La Silla in UHD
Fischaugenansicht der La Silla-Teleskope in UHD
Milky Way at Chajnantor
Dusky light on the ALMA antennas
Bereiche des Himmels, die am stärksten von Satellitenkonstellationen betroffen sind
Moonlit panorama at La Silla
View above the Swedish/ESO Submillimetre Telescope
The Paranal family
Full view of Atacama at Night
Milky Way stretches across the Chilean night sky
Milky Way arcs the Chilean Atacama sky
ESO 3.6-metre telescope fish-eye view
Fulldome view of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope
La Silla fulldome perspective
Milky Way arcs La Silla
Milky Way revealed above La Silla night sky
Daytime fulldome perspective of La Silla
Fulldome view from Cerro Murphy
Full perspective of the NTT
Peering through the looking glass
Cosmic portal from the Atacama desert