Just before the dinner at the ESO 50th anniversary gala event

Poster of Café & Kosmos 11 Sept 2012

Chajnantor plateau

Early steps on the construction of the domes of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope and the 1.4-metre Coudé Auxiliary Telescope

Shared time

Localisation de l’amas de galaxies d’Hercule

The ALMA Hotel Residence (artist’s impression)

Prince Philippe of Belgium visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory

Site testing station in South Africa

Site testing station in Karoo, South Africa

Site testing in Karoo, South Africa

Pioneering astronomical watch reaches for the stars at Paranal

Astronomy Olympics reaches the Very Large Telescope

Spanish Minister for Science and Innovation visits Paranal and ALMA

The President of Czechia at the Paranal Residencia