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Annotated view of the sky surrounding NGC 5018
This annotated view of the surroundings of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5018 shows many of its neighbours. It also reveals a few asteroids that were captured by chance during the deep exposures needed to reveal the delicate streams of stars between the galaxies.
Oikeudet:ESO/Spavone et al.
Tunnistus: | eso1827b |
Tyyppi: | Kokoelma |
Julkaisupäivä: | 8. elokuuta 2018 12:00 |
Vastaavat julkaisut: | eso1827 |
Koko: | 13679 x 10016 px |
Nimi: | NGC 5018 |
Tyyppi: | Unspecified : Galaxy : Type : Elliptical |
Etäisyys: | 130 miljoona valovuotta |
Kategoria: | Galaxies |
Värit ja suotimet
Kaista | Aallonpituus | Teleskooppi |
Optinen u | 361 nm | VLT Survey Telescope OmegaCAM |
Optinen g | 470 nm | VLT Survey Telescope OmegaCAM |
Optinen R | 655 nm | VLT Survey Telescope OmegaCAM |