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Disturbed spiral galaxy in the Abell 496 field

This image shows a galaxy with a strange structure in the Abell 496 Field. This image is reproduced on a logarithmic intensity scale to better show the structure of the objects. At this scale, the individual pixels in the original frames are visible. The sky field measures 0.8 x 0.8 arcmin 2. North is up and East left.

The WFI image of Abell 496 was obtained in blue light (B-band) and corresponds to a total integration time of 7560 seconds, split into a number of exposures lasting between 600 and 1200 seconds. The faintest objects just detectable in this image have a B-magnitude of about 26.5.



O snímku

Datum zveřejnění:21. prosince 1999
Související články:eso9954
Velikost:400 x 370 px

O objektu

Jméno:Abell 496
Typ:Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral
Local Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Cluster
Vzdálenost:450 milion světelné roky

Image Formats

Barvy & filtry

MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope

Exposure time: 7560s