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Live streaming: How will the ELT explore the Universe?

8. května 2023

Join us on 12 May, from 16:00 CEST, for a live streaming on Facebook and YouTube on two of the instruments of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT): the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) and Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations (MICADO).

During the event, we will premiere two mini-documentaries on the instruments, followed by a Q&A session with the experts behind them. Participants can ask questions on Twitter using #askESO, as well as live on Facebook and YouTube. Click Going/Interested on Facebook and Notify me on YouTube, respectively, to be prompted when the live show starts.

ESO’s ELT is a revolutionary ground-based telescope that will have a 39-metre main mirror, making it the largest visible and infrared light telescope in the world. The ELT will tackle some of the biggest scientific challenges of our time. To achieve that, the ELT will be equipped with a lineup of cutting-edge instruments.

The first generation of instruments will include HARMONI, METIS, MICADO and MORFEO. Two additional instruments will be added at a later stage: ANDES and MOSAIC.

METIS will cover the infrared wavelength range. It will study a wide range of scientific topics, from objects in our Solar System to distant active galaxies.

MICADO will take high-resolution images at near-infrared wavelengths. This makes the instrument ideal for identifying exoplanets, but also for resolving individual stars in other galaxies and investigating the mysterious centre of the Milky Way.

Edit 15 May 2023: we have updated this announcement to include a link to the replay of the event and the individual mini-documentaries screened on 12 May 2023.



Oana Sandu
Community Coordination and Communication Strategy
Communication Department
Garching bei München, Germany

O zprávě



Live streaming: How will the ELT explore the Universe?
Live streaming: How will the ELT explore the Universe?


Meet MICADO, a super-camera for the ELT!
Meet MICADO, a super-camera for the ELT!
Meet METIS, a multi-tool instrument for the ELT
Meet METIS, a multi-tool instrument for the ELT