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The Messenger No. 180 Now Available

3 september 2020

The latest edition of ESO's quarterly journal, The Messenger, is now available online. Find out the latest news from ESO on topics ranging from new instruments to the latest science discoveries.

This edition includes:

  • The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory Comes of Age: Ferrini & Wild
  • MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT & its Surveys: Cirasuolo et al., Gonzalez et al., and Maiolino et al. 
  • The ALPINE–ALMA [CII] Survey: Exploring the Dark Side of Normal Galaxies at the End of Reionisation: Bethermin et al. 

Download The Messenger in PDF format or visit The Messenger website to subscribe and receive a free printed copy.

This product is also available in the ESOshop. The printed issue will be available at the sites when the situation allows its distribution.

Confirm your ESO Messenger subscription to the print edition by 15 October 2020 (deadline extended). Please hold on to your envelope when it arrives — further details are on the back page of The Messenger.



Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator & Communication Strategy Officer
ESO Department of Communication
Tel: +49 89 320 069 65

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Cover of The Messenger issue 180
Cover of The Messenger issue 180