
Der chilenische Wirtschaftsminister Félix de Vicente während seines Besuchs bei der ESO in Garching

Lunch break during the VLT site testing

Site testing for the VLT atop Cerro Armazones

Model of the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

VISTA view of the newly discovered open star cluster VVV CL003 beyond the galactic centre

ESO Council Meeting, June 2011

Inauguration of the new ESO exhibition at the Museum of Taltal

The Chilean Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics visits Paranal

Wide-field view of the sky around the brown dwarf binary CFBDSIR 1458+10

A wide-field view of the sky around the young star T Cha (annotated)

Artist's impression of a dark gamma-ray burst

Infrared/visible comparison of the VISTA Tarantula Nebula image