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VLT image of the location of FRB 181112

Soon after the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope pinpointed a fast radio burst, named FRB 181112, ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) took this image and other data to determine the distance to its host galaxy (FRB 181112 location indicated by the white ellipses). The analysis of these data revealed that the radio pulses have passed through the halo of a massive galaxy (at the top of the image) on their way toward Earth.


ESO/X. Prochaska et al.

About the Image

Release date:26 September 2019, 20:00
Related releases:eso1915
Size:2319 x 1681 px

About the Object

Name:FRB 181112
Type:Early Universe : Galaxy : Activity : AGN

Image Formats

Large JPEG
158.0 KB
Screensize JPEG
50.1 KB
